Part 6 - Can't Remember?

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Ty's POV:
"Who...who are you?" She asked. I must be hearing it wrong. Surely I'm hearing it wrong. Amy can't have have forgotten me, we're married. We're in love. I couldn't find any words, I just couldn't. I wanted Amy to remember me, to remember all the little details and moments we've shared together. "I...Amy... it's me, Ty. Don't you remember me?" I ask, stuttering over my words. She stares at me, no memory of me. There's a knock behind me and I swivel around to see who it is. "Hi there, I'm Dr Greenland, I've just come to check up on Amy." The doctor smiles. She's pale with bright green eyes and gorgeous natural ginger hair. "I...she...Amy can't remember me." I stammered. Amy frown again. "How do you you know my name?" She asks suspiciously. I turn to the doctor for help. She nods and walks over. "Hi Amy, do you remember me from earlier?" She asks calmly. Amy nods. "Dr Greenland, you did a bunch of tests on me." Amy says. Dr Greenland smiles, obviously happy with the answer. "That's right, I did do some tests on you. They all came back fine by the way, nothing bad at all. Do you know who this young man is?" She asks, gesturing to me. Amy looks at me, long and hard, before shaking her head. My heart sank to the ground as I held back tears, biting my lip excessively hard. "Am I supposed to know him? I can't remember ever meeting him before." Amy says, looking back at Dr Greenland. Dr Greenland nods. "Amy, remember what I told you earlier? That you had been shot and were in a coma for ten days?" She says, firmly. Amy nods. "Well, it's possible that you have forgotten some things about your life." The doctor says. Amy's eyes fill with tears but doesn't let them fall. "So... so who is he? To-to me, I mean..." Amy asks. I take my chance to speak, after a confirming nod from Dr Greenland. "Amy, I'm Ty. Ty Borden, do you remember? We met thirteen years ago, when I came to work at Heartland while on probation. We got married five years ago and had a baby girl together three years ago. Lyndy Marian Borden. Do you remember? We called her Marian after your Mom, she died thirteen years ago too." I explained, softly and calmly. Amy squeezed her eyes shut but shook her head. "I'm sorry... I don't remember. I can't remember." She says, eyes welling. I nodded. "It's alright, you'll remember everything in a while. And if not, we'll work through it." I said reassuringly. Amy smiled through the tears. "Okay." She whispered.

Amy's POV:
Ty was nice, and if what he's saying is true, I can understand why I'd marry him. He's kind, thoughtful, he's patient. He'd been here for hours now. Now he was telling me about my daughter Lyndy. She's sounds like a great child, and when I'm out of the hospital, she'll be the first person I see. Apparently she's been waiting for me to come home. Ty showed me a picture of the three of us, she looked a lot like me, in my eyes. We all looked happy. "Jack is your grandfather, he runs the ranch. Do you remember what the ranch is called?" He asked. I think really hard. The word Heart stands out to me. "Is it... is it Heart something?" I ask. Ty beamed at me. "Yeah! Yeah, it's called Heartland. And you have a horse there-" He doesn't get to finish before I jump in. "Spartan. Spartan is my horse, he's black and he broke his leg before." I say quickly, before the memory slips away. Ty beamed even wider. "Yeah, that's all true! You can remember Spartan?" He asks. I shrug. "It was only, like, a quick memory without any details? I mean, I don't know if he lived through the broken leg or anything like that but I know those three things." I explain. He nods and yawns. I smile at him. "You know, it's late. You should probably go and get some sleep." I say, smiling at him. I understand why I fell in love with him. He shook his head. "I'll just go get a coffee. Lyndy will be really excited to see you tomorrow." He yawned, smiling. I did too, because I couldn't wait to see her. I wanted to remember her. I wanted to remember everything.

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