The boy drags himself finally reaching to his room and flopping on the bed. His head is pounding, he still feels the hard thump of the music in his head. The clubs have become a second home for the boy after all he did spend most of his time there.

"Fuck this headache!" He shouts angrily to himself and presses his hands to his temples rubbing them in a circular motion. He turns to his front, now staring at the ceiling, feeling like the room is moving. He just looks blankly at the plain white ceiling, no thought, no feeling but the heart beat in his chest, his ragged breathing. This was how it was for Harry everyday, he would get up whenever he wanted, call one of his many associates to find out where the party was that night, get dressed and head to said location, party, drink, get high, some nights he brought women home, sometimes he just takes them to a hotel but other times he just comes home and knocks out cold. Guess tonight was one of those nights.


The morning sunlight shines through the expensive sheer beige drapes sending a light sheen of yellow clusters onto the boy's face. The worst part of hangovers was facing the morning, so as a daily routine Alfred had already set out the boy's medications and made breakfast waiting for his master to call. When the boy shifts from his sleep he feels worst than when he did since last night.

Of course drugs and alcohol don't mix, Harry was evident of that saying. Feeling like he did every other day he drags himself off the bed and head straight to the shower, stands directly under waiting for the water to heat up. Scorching as the water was and as much as it burnt his skin he stood there, letting the hot water wash over him, when he felt he couldn't take it anymore he shuts off the tap and steps outside.

He gets dressed and goes downstairs as usual the kitchen table is spread out with different dishes to Harry's desire as Alfred pours him a cup of his favourite tea. Some expensive shit his father got from the Chinese. This was another advantage of having a thriving father, he got to experience different cultures without ever having to leave his home.

Alfred being cautious as he knows how clammy and grumpy the boy is on his mornings,carefully shifted away after attending to him, disappearing into the kitchen to fetch his father. Steven was an early springer, getting up at the break of dawn just so he can have his nature trail, his doctor had suggested since his age is creeping , I mean the man is almost sixty. He's usually busy but something about this particular morning made him cancel his meetings, made him deliberately be home the same time that his son was. He enters the room spotting the curly haired lad, head down picking at his half eaten beans on toast and eggs bendict.

He pulls a chair to the opposite side not saying a word as Alfred serves him up a platter of his own. This has been weighing heavy on his chest for a few weeks now and he just didn't know how he could tell Harry or if he should for that matter but what is done is done and sooner or later the boy would have to face this harsh reality.

"Did you sleep well?" Small talk was never successful between the two as Harry is clearly unaffected by his father's words. He makes no attempt to look at the man except pushing the plate away from him and standing to exit the room.

"See you later" it was all he said making his way for the front door.
"Wait" the man called after the boy making him slow his pace. Something about his voice was off it was the only reason that made Harry turn around to finally look at his father face to face. The man gets up from his chair and makes the attempt to come closer to Harry.

"We need to talk"
"Can't it wait? I'm busy" Harry knew this conversation was important his father never approaches him with anything unless he was the one that initiated it but still he turned not giving the man a second look and went straight out the door.

Baby, look what you've done to me || L.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now