1-My Words Will Ring in Your Ears

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Abby's P.O.V.

"I don't want to go!" I groaned, throwing a pillow over my face.

"You have to. Get up!" My mom said, pulling the blankets and pillow off my body. I flipped over on my stomach.

"If you're not up in five I'm dragging you out." She said and walked out of room. I laid for a few seconds, and dragged my sorry ass out of bed.

My blonde and blue hair was all over the place. Like some kind of hair halo. I'm no angel though. I brushed it out, and put it in a messy bun. I picked out some kind of band tee and shorts, throwing those on quickly. I put on my hibiscus patterned Vans. Then lastly deodorant, and perfume.

I made my way the bathroom, did my business and brushed my teeth with a spare tooth brush.

Walking down the stairs my cat almost tripped me, but luckily I caught myself on the banister. Then finished walking down without having a near death experience. My mom was cooking something, doesn't matter, because I'm honestly not in the mood for breakfast.

"You want something to eat?" She asked as I sat at a stool.

"I'm good, thanks." I said, she nodded and finished her cooking. Dad came down the stairs just as she was putting his on plate, he plopped down in the stool beside me. Grunting a good morning. I smiled out the side of my mouth. He ate his food like some kind of cave man. Dad, calm down, it'll still be there if you take a break.

Soon enough he was finished, and looking more lively? I guess? Yeah, definitely, because when he walked down he looked like deaths doorstep.

"C'mon sweetie, let's go." My mom said, I groaned. I hate when she calls me that.

"Please, do not call me that. And alright. Bye, love you dad." I said, and gave my dad a hug. Then I walked to the door and picked up my duffle bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

"Love you too, see you in two months." Dad said, I nodded and made my way to the car.

Mom got in soon after, she started the engine and peeled out of our driveway. Starting the two hour drive to that summer camp I'm being forced to go to. It's called Camp Sliver lake; the brochure my mom looked at said there was nice cabins. With bathrooms in them, and all that. That the food was good. Bullshit. Probably worse than school food.

I put my headphones in and laid my head on the window. I didn't want to be awake for the majority of this car ride to hell. Just putting that out there.


Luckily I managed to sleep the whole way there. My mom woke me up by ripping my headphones out. I scowled at her and she chuckled. I quickly waded my headphones up and shoved them into my shorts pocket, phone included. I got my duffle bag and followed my mom up the steep ass hill to camp.

By the time we got up there,
I was out of breath, and my mom was wheezing pretty badly. I led her over to a bench and sat her down. I sat down beside my mom, and waited for her to cool down and all that.

Finally my mom was cooled down, and feeling okay. I was too, because honestly, that steep ass hill shouldn't have been there, or you should have been able to drive up. Maybe it's the first part of this fun experience! Great. Walking up a hill.

Mom led us into what I'm guessing is the main office and sign-in place. A lady was sitting at the desk, she looked to be about twenty. Her hair was a natural, bright red color, she had a few freckles lining her cheeks, and bright blue eyes. Wouldn't have though she would be a counselor at a stupid summer camp.

A little plaque in front of her on the desk read, 'Rowan Williams'. She smiled at us, and gave us a little wave.

"Hello, I'm Abby's mom, we're here to get signed in." My mom said happily, gesturing towards me.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Williams, but everyone calls me Rowan. Just tell me Abby's last name and we'll show her her cabin, group number, group leader, and everything else will be covered tonight at dinner." Rowan said.

"Mason. And alrighty!" My mom said. Rowan clicked a few things on her computer, the printed a couple sheets of paper. She handed one to me and one to Mom.

"That is the schedule for this summer and when you need to pick her up. Phone numbers and all that are on it. And yeah, right this way, I'll show you the cabin. I think the other girls are already there. So you can meet them, also, you're in my group. Just thought I'd tell you that now, means less confusion for you." Rowan smiled, inwardly I groaned. I hate people, man.

Mom and I followed Rowan out of the building and down a small path to the right of it. We ended up at a largish cabin, is had a big nine on the door. So far the cabin didn't look too bad.

"This is your cabin with four other girls. It's cabin nine, as you can tell. We'll tape you in every night. So don't try sneaking out." Rowan said with a slight chuckle. How is that funny? Plus it's not like we have anywhere to go anyways.

Rowan knocked on the door and a girl opened it. She looks kind of bitchy. Black hair, blue eyes, she was pretty, but bitchy pretty.

"Zoé, this is Abby. Where are the other girls?" Rowan asked the bitchy girl named Zoé.

"They're unpacking." She said in a snarky tone. Rowan nodded, but she led me in nonetheless. I dropped my bag at the door. The other girls had already picked their beds. Two on each side, where's the fifth? And where's the bathroom?

"Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked, and a girl with blonde hair and black roots pointed to a spot. It was a little loft, it went about halfway across, and away from the others. Might be a few cobwebs, but I can remove those. This is perfect! I looked around and found a rope ladder hanging down from the loft. Good, means I can put it up so no one can get up there when I'm sleeping and do something. I'm liking this arrangement so far.

"Well, I'll let you unpack, make sure to be at the dining hall at five." Rowan said then left.

"Bye, sweetie, I'll see you at the end of summer. Call me, I love you." My mom cooed, I swear my face turned into a tomato. But I nodded and hugged her, I still love my mom, even though she's embarrassing. After we pulled away she left, saying bye once again. I said it back.

When I turned around the four girls were staring at me with stupid smirks.

"Awwe, we got a Mommas girl!" Zoé squealed. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off. Picking my duffle bag up and climbing up the rope ladder to my little loft. When I got up there I set my duffle bag down. There was a bed, it looked clean. A bedside table and lamp, a door in the corner. I'm hoping it's a closet. And even a window. The window had a ledge that you could sit on. I went over the door and opened it, sure enough it was a closet, it wasn't very big. But hey, I don't have to share, I'm happy.

Soon enough it was time for dinner, I crawled down and all the girls were already gone. I was reading, so i didn't notice. The dining hall was right across from our cabin, so I made it there in a minute. Some on the tables where filled others weren't. People already had their food, and they were sitting down eating. I went to the line and picked up and tray, hamburgers, ew. And plus, I'm a vegetarian, this is horrible. So I put the tray back down and sat down at a random table.

Some girls walked up to me, trays in hands. This can't be good.

"You need to move, that's our seat." A girl with brown hair spoke, she's probably their ring leader, and the ones surrounding her are the circus acts.

"Oh, really now. I need to move? I'm sorry, but your names aren't written here. Go somewhere else." I said with a blank face. The brown haired girl huffed.

"Freak!" She seethed. I just flipped her off and leaned back in my chair.

This is going to be one a hell of a summer.


A/N: when you start yet another fanfic! I don't even care! But I'm so excited for this one! I can't even explain how excited I am!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Btw my name is Abby, and so, I'm not sorry for anything. And thank you mileenaxkitana10 for the amazing cover!!

Title Cred: You Me at Six - The Dilemma

Love you guys!! <3 <3


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