Chapter 5

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The rest of the day was mostly a blur for Marcy. 

When she had left the bathroom, lunch was over. She hadn't even gotten to eat. 

She then rushed to her locker to put her lunchbox away, grabbing the things she needed for her next class after ELA and stuffing them in her bag. 

After that, she went back to her class, where the students had their Chromebooks open, creating an essay document. 

The rest of the classes went fine, but Marcy couldn't concentrate with the core being a nagging voice in her head. She was exhausted from 'talking' to it in her mind. She was also really flippin' hungry, as she hadn't gotten to eat lunch. 

It was the end of the day, and Marcy was putting her binders back in her locker when her phone rang. 




Anne and Sasha had been worried about Marcy all day, ever since the two phone calls. So the first chance they got when they were leaving the school, they called her. Not a FaceTime call, they had decided against it. First, they just had to hear how their friend sounded. 

After a few moments, Marcy answered, and Sasha put her on speaker. 

"Hello?" Came Marcy's voice from the speaker. 

She sounded...alright. Exhausted, but, alright for the most part.

"Hey Marbles!" Sasha greeted, "How're ya doing?"

"Fine." Marcy's voice came from the other side of the phone, slightly duller than usual, because of how tired she was. "You?"

"Worried about you." Anne thought, but she instead said, "We're fine too Mar Mar."

"We actually wanted to talk to you about something." 


"About the call on the way to school, was somebody hurt? I heard screaming."

Marcy's breath hitched in her throat, making her wince, which made her let out a small hiss of pain that didn't go unnoticed by the couple. They glanced at each other, concerned. 

"Hey, Mar Mar, can we FaceTime?"

"Sure!" Marcy forced herself to sound excited as she went the backway around the school back home. It was longer, but at least she had less of a chance of running into Blake, Heather, and Alex.

Anne ended the call, then called her back on FaceTime, which Marcy accepted. Sasha held the phone out, so you could see the both of them, while Marcy held her's a little bit down, you could still see her face, her phone was just farther down.

"Marce, are you in the woods?" The two asked at the same time, taking note of the forest-y background.

Marcy giggled, which made her flinch. "Yea."

Sasha and Anne didn't catch her wince, but her giggle lifted their spirits. Maybe she was okay.


"It's how I get home from school."

Then Marcy's stomach growled, making Anne and Sasha laugh, and Marcy just sighed, but she was smiling. 

"You hungry Marce?" Sasha asked, grinning. 

Marcy chuckled before sheepishly looking away from the screen, "Yeah...I didn't really get my lunch." Her voice trailed off.

"Huh? What? Why didn't you eat lunch?" Anne asked, concerned. 

Marcy's gaze darkened a little, and she still didn't look at the camera. "Because I was calling you..."

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