Part 5 - Awake

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Ty's POV:
I barrelled through the door of the hospital, tripping slightly on the slippery floor. I went straight up the the receptionist. "How may I help you?" A woman asked kindly. "Amy Fleming-Borden, she was in a coma? I got a call to say she woke up?" Ty said, tapping his foot against the floor impatiently. She clicked on her computer and smiled. "Ah yes, Amy Fleming-Borden. You must be the husband?" She grinned. I smiled, knowing that she was actually awake and not going to die. "Yeah, that's me." I joke as the woman stands up. "Follow me, I'll bring you to her room. There should be a nurse in there to explain everything to you." She said, leading me through the hospital and towards Amy. There were a lot of people in the hospital, obviously, but some people I've seen before, around town and Maggie's. They were either in wheelchairs or hobbling around on crutches. I'd say a lot of them are rodeo related. The receptionist walked me into a room, where Amy lay on the hospital bed, alone. She didn't have any tubes and wires any more but she still had an IV in her hand. She was laying peacefully, but it looked more like sleep now that I knew she was alive. A nurse walked up to me and we shook hands. "Hello Dr Borden. You are Amy's husband, no?" He asked, leading up close to Amy. "I am, yes." I say, sitting in the chair next to the bed. Next to her. The nurse smiled. "She is very strong. She woke up about an hour ago, very anxious and scared God love her. We gave her a sedative after preforming a few tests, all of which came back positive except for one or two we couldn't do because of how anxious she had gotten. We will continue the tests once she wakes, but the good thing is that she can hear and see, she can speak fine and she can move her arms. We didn't get any farther due to her state of anxiety and discomfort." He explained. I nodded. "She was really scared, wasn't she?" I ask, already knowing that she was. The nurse nodded. "It is very difficult to wake up from a coma, as far as we are concerned, she could have been having a continuous nightmare during it. Or she could have felt the pain properly for the first time. Have you heard anything about the shooter yet?" He asked. I'd reported the shooting to the authorities but nothing came back yet, since Amy wasn't awake and we hadn't any cameras on the property. "Not yet." I say ruefully. I want that bastard caught and put behind bars. He deserved it, after all, my wife is lying in a hospital bed unconscious and lucky to be alive right now. All because of them. "You will, it might take time but you will." The nurse says so reassuringly that I believe him for half a second. My phone starts ringing and I look up at the nurse apologetically. He nods and leaves the room with a smile. It was Lou. "Ty! Oh my God, finally!" She says loudly. I crease my eyebrows, confused. "You only rang me the once Lou." I state before hearing her click her tongue and continue on. "How's Amy? Grandpa said you got a call? That she woke up? Had she woken up?" She asked on rapid fire. I roll my eyes and smile. "Lou, calm down! Yeah, I did get a call from the hospital, while I was with everyone, and yes, she did wake up. They had to sedate her because of how anxious she was." I explained. She lets out a sigh. "Thank God. How are you? Surely you're a little bit emotional right now? And since nobody in my family seems to care about that!" She shouted the 'care about that' part, assumedly to the family. "I'm fine Lou, it's been emotional yes but I'm fine. I just wish I'd gotten the phone call before I told Lyndy she might never see her mommy again." I say with a laugh. Amy starts to stir on the bed. "Lou, gotta go, Amy's waking up." I hiss into the phone and become deafened by a high-pitched shriek. I hang up the phone and smile as she wakes up and yawns. She glances at me and creases her eyebrows in confusion. "Who...who are you?" She asked.

Sorry it's short, there's no way I could make it suspenseful if it was longer, much to my dismay. Thanks for reading and following!!!

[my account isn't working properly so I can't DM anyone or follow anyone back but I appreciate you following me and reading my story so much!]

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