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"I caught that last pass wrong."

"I see... There may be a microfracture, but it's hard to tell without an X-Ray. We have to immobilize it and go to the hospital to understand what's going on, ok?"

"I don't want to."

"Come on, Shin-chan. If we don't do anything the situation may get worse. Let me help you."

You hold your boyfriend in a tight hug, trying to convey to him all your affection and your desire to see that nothing bad happens to him, and manage to convince him. You treat his finger at your best, you explain the situation to your coach and go to the hospital, that is luckily pretty close to the gym. During the walk Midorima doesn't say a word, and you choose to wait before you finish that conversation you were having earlier.

Once you get there it takes a while before your turn comes, but at last Midorima's finger gets the X-ray it needs and he's properly visited.

"The X-ray doesn't show any sign of internal fractures, which is great. Still, your finger is bagged: my advice is to keep it as still as possible and to apply ice regularly, Midorima-san. You can take a painkiller, in case you need to. With these precautions and the bandage I'll now put on, the situation should go back to normal in a few weeks."

"A few weeks? Isn't there any faster way?"

"Well, it all depends on how your finger responds. Considering the injury you have, that is extremely common in athletes, I suppose you're one. Am I wrong?" – Midorima, sitting next to you, confirms the doctor's hypothesis – "I see. For now, I'll need you to be patient for a week or so, then you can have your doctor visit you and you'll decide together the best option for your needs."

When you're done, you both leave the hospital and go home. It's kinda obvious that Midorima is more than annoyed for today's events, made worse by the fact that he constantly wraps his fingers to protect them and he got injured in the crucial moment of a crucial game.

"Are you still thinking about that shot, Shin-chan?"

"Of course I am. I let down everyone. I just took their hopes and dreams, threw them in the toilet and flushed it."

"You do realize that you were trying to score a three-pointer from the other side of the court with and injured finger, don't you?"

"That's not an excuse! I'm the ace, (Name). The ace must lead the team to victory under any circumstance. That's his purpose."

"Listen, I get it. It's right for you to take your responsibilities, but when it comes to injuries there's not much you can do. It happened in an awful moment, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Would you ever make your teammates feel guilty for getting injured after trying their hardest to make the team win?"

Midorima stays silent.

"You didn't miss the decisive shot, you missed the last one, and it's very, very different. Every single shot is decisive, if you really think about it. Even that one layup thirty seconds after the beginning of the match can be crucial, if missed. If you take any of our missed shots and transform it into a scored one, bam: we'd have won. Who shoots the last shot already has an incredible anxiety, if you add the injury it's basically impossible to score..."

"But as the ace it was my duty to make that shot, to make up for the previous mistakes made during the match. I missed that, and was therefore completely useless."

Midorima that talks about helping the team, cooperating, making up to others' mistakes... he really grew up since middle school.

"You were of great use for the team, that's undeniable. Without you, the only one that can shoot from that far with an insane accuracy and the one who knows best Akashi and his strategies, Shutoku's chances to win the match would have been basically inexistent. Your presence and your hard work, though, gave this team an actual chance of winning, in spite of the result. I'm also sure that no one blames you for that "mistake", in fact they're probably relieved to see that you're not a robot but an actual human being!" – you exclaim with a laugh.

"It still doesn't feel right, though."

"It's too early, Shin-chan, give yourself some time. The next time you'll surely play wonderfully and no one could possibly be disappointed at your performance. And if you were ever to disappoint the entire world, well, I would still be there by your side. I'll always believe in you, Shin-chan."

A little smile finally shows on that dark face and Midorima pulls you closer to him running his arm behind your back.

"... Thank you."


A very familiar voice calls Midorima's name and as you turn you see the other starting members of the team reaching you.

"How's the finger? It's not broken, is it?" - Kimura asks.

"No, it's just bagged."

"That's great news, we were very worried." - the captain adds.

"It was my pass' fault, wasn't it? I'm very sorry, Shin-chan."

"No, it wasn't. The pass was fine, it was me who didn't catch it right. Moreover, I should be the one apologizing to you: you put all your hopes in me, and I..."

"What are you saying, Shin-chan?! You can't decide whether you get injured or not, it just happens!"

"It would have been cool to face Seirin in the final match, but it's okay. Thank you for trying your hardest despite the pain, Midorima."


"Oh yes, we do have a very good kohai..." - Miyaji comments.

"Oi, I am a good kohai, too!"

While Takao and Miyaji bicker about who's better, Midorima looks at his teammates with a gaze that you had never seen before: he has the eyes of someone who feels surprised, relieved and grateful at the same time, the eyes of someone who has just realized how precious the people around him are.

Song used in the title: Next to me - Imagine dragons

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن