Chapter 5

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I didn't go back to the hospital to check on Marlina. I just went straight home. When the Uber dropped me off, I saw a familiar car. It was a strange man's car. Why was he here? I ran out of the Uber and ran to see if Sparkle Scallywag was ok. When I reached outside of the stables, I saw the strange man talking to Sally Wag. I asked what was happening and the man said he has government business going on. I then looked at Sally Wag, and she had a fearful face. I knew she told the man about Sparkle Scallywag. When I looked back at the man he was already walking away back to his car.

When his car pulled away, I asked Sally Wag what she told him. Sally Wag then said that she told him about Sparkle Scallywag. I was furious. How could she? I trusted her! I yelled at Sally Wag and told her I wished I never saved her from the tea pot factory. I looked at Sally Wag and saw her shocked expression. She then shed one tear. I instantly regretted what I said. Sally Wag ran inside while I just stood there. I just stood there and did nothing.

I went in the stables and sat by Sparkle Scallywag. I thought to myself for a minute thinking how bad of a person I've been recently. I realized how I've been so caught up in saving my friends I haven't been saving myself from being a total female dog. I know there was no viable way I could ever make it up to Sally Wag after telling her what I said. I am officially the worst sister.

I knew today was going to be the worst day ever. Not only was my sister super mad at me, but my dad invited over his new "girlfriend." I was sort of excited because I've never seen her before, but none of the less I didn't want to go to dinner.

When dinner arrived that night, we were all waiting with anticipation for dad's girlfriend to show up. I was glad for my dad because he was able to let go of mom and find someone new for himself. I wish I could do that with Lizzy. After a few minutes of waiting, we heard a knock at the door. My dad walked up to it to answer like anyone would do. I couldn't wait to see what she looked like. When the door opened, I saw the most beautiful woman ever! Well, probably not the most beautiful woman because it wasn't Sigourney Weaver, but she was still super beautiful. But the longer I looked at her something seemed familiar. Then it came to me. She had blonde hair with curls. She was the woman in the car by the strange man staring at me, that also chased me home, and that was here to ask about Sparkle Scallywag! I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was the most awkward dinner ever. I knew this woman, and this woman knew me. The woman introduced herself and said her name was Katelyn. She said that she worked at an animal shelter, which I tote knew was a lie. Any of the lies she would say would not get past me. I knew she was here for one thing and one thing only. Sparkle Scallywag.

After a few bites of my dad's world-famous ratatouille, Katelyn asks about Sparkle Scallywag. Of course, she would ask about Sparkle Scallywag. I told her Sparkle Scallywag was sick because I didn't want her to see my horse, Sparkle Scallywag. My dad looked at me with a confused face and asked me why I never told him, and I replied with because he never asked. He gave me a stern face and went back to eating. Katelyn then asked if she could check on Sparkle Scallywag and I said no. No way was I going to let a creep see my horse, Sparkle Scallywag. Katelyn didn't listen to me, stood up, left the house, and headed towards Sparkle Scallywag. I tried to stop her, but her speed walk was speedy.

When she reached the stables, I tried to hold the doors shut. I kept giving Katelyn these excuses that Sparkle Scallywag threw up everywhere and how Sparkle Scallywag pooped everywhere so she shouldn't go in with her nice Gucci flip flops. Again, she didn't listen to me. When she opened the door a thousand thoughts about what could happen to Sparkle Scallywag when she found outran through my mind. I was terrified. When she opened the door, I saw her jaw drop. It wasn't too hard to see one horse with a horn.

Katelyn slowly approached Sparkle Scallywag with ease not to scare the mighty beauty, Sparkle Scallywag. I heard my dad let out a little gasp when he entered the stables. I knew I was in for trouble. After a few seconds of Katelyn inspecting Sparkle Scallywag, she said her work here was done and left. I was dumbfounded. I knew she was here for Sparkle Scallywag, but I thought she'd do more. She left the stables and hopped in her car. My dad yelled out about calling him later, but he didn't get a response. I knew she only got with my dad to only get to Sparkle Scallywag. I felt so bad for my dad.

I felt all these emotions and started bawling my eyes out. My dad got used for a unicorn, made my sister feel terrible, couldn't help Linda, and I'll never get Lizzy back. I couldn't anymore. I ran up to my room crying all the way there.

My dad came to my room later that night. He tried asking me what was wrong, but I didn't respond. I didn't even look at my dad when he asked me the question. My dad didn't budge to ask any more questions and left. While I sat in my penthouse of a room, I felt small.

I didn't get any sleep that night either. I just lied there in my bed sulking about everything I've done. For some reason I couldn't get my mind off Linda. Linda kept bouncing back and forth through my head nonstop. I kept thinking of ways I could help her, but none came to mind. But then one thing came to me. One thing that changed everything. The easiest solution to all my problems. Sparkle Scallywag is a unicorn. Sparkle Scallywag has magic. So, Sparkle Scallywag must have healing properties. I had to ask Sparkle Scallywag!

I ran out of my room. Each step I took getting closer to Sparkle Scallywag's stables felt too surreal to me. It felt like the longest run I've ever taken. While getting closer with each step I took I just thought about Linda. I thought about how Linda was finally going to be better. Linda was finally able to go to school! Then it occurred to me. I stopped dead in my tracks. I haven't been to school. I then shrugged it off because there was nothing I could do now. Yes, there was a super big test I had this week, and yes there was another big test I had... and possibly another... but still again, there was nothing I could do now!

When I reached Sparkle Scallywag's stables, I felt amazing. It did come across my mind that I might have to sneak in Sparkle Scallywag into the hospital, but I'd figure that out later. When I opened the stable doors, I called out for Sparkle Scallywag. I got no answer. I called out again. Still no answer. Why wasn't Sparkle Scallywag answering me? I walked over to where we kept Sparkle Scallywag and with horror in my eyes, I saw her missing. Sparkle Scallywag was gone. 

Unicorn in the Stables: Finding MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now