Chapter 1

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Hello! Wow, it's been awhile. It's been six years since I last came near this story, completely forgetting about it to cover dust in the corner for a very long time. But after receiving a lot of interest to finish this, I decided to revive it. But I am completely rewriting the entire thing. As I said, it has been years since I came near this piece, and my writing has greatly improved since them. Plus, I wanted to change a few things plot wise as I didn't like some of my young, stupid, original ideas. 
So yeah. Six years later and here it is. Only chapter one for now, I want to see the response before I begin rewriting chapter two. So, let me know what you think in the comments. Please be kind, it's been a long time since I wrote anything for the Criminal Minds fanbase, so I am rather rusty. 

Anyway, I'll let you get on. Thank you everyone who stuck around, waiting patiently all these years. The kind comments and messages, honestly mean a lot and I appreciate each and every single one of you!! 

Oh, also. You can find me on twitter : @Spicyramen10969 - I mainly just post Wangxian and Mo Dao Zu Shi smut and randomness (so 18+ only people please. Don't want to interact with children). Give me a follow if you'd like and come say hello :)

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The sound of incoherent mumbling and the shifting of fabric was practically thunderous in the hollowness of the light-less shadows. The room fell like this for quite some time, the mixture of broken breathing, and the tinkering of water droplets as they dripped repeatedly onto metal.

A long, single muffled groan strained through. The noise all but beating off the walls. JJ had been the first to wake, forcibly trying to pry her still eyelids open. Her head was throbbing, pressure building behind her eyes, and the buzzing in her ears was all but deafening. Finally managing to open her eyes enough, despite being thankful for the lack of light, the sudden sensation definitely did nothing to ease her headache. When the world was more apparent, she took in a much of her surroundings as possible. It was then, that she had noticed a coldness resting on her cheek. Something hard, but strangely wet. The air smelt musky, damp – old. The distinct pungency of iron and rust. Though, she wasn't too sure whether that came from the room or answered the question to what the wet sensation was against her cheek. She had to be reasonable, she had awoken in a dark unknown place, unaware of her surroundings and whether she was alone or not; taking into accounts whether that iron she was smelling was the room or blood. Blood was the plausible answer given her current state. She may not have been a profiler as long as her teammates, but she had worked alongside them going on six years – she had picked up a thing or two.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to recentre herself. Thinking back as best she could, trying to get and understanding to where she was. Not wanting to risk movement just of yet, in case her injuries faired worse than just that of a headache. She laid there, on the cold cemented floor, closed her eyes and thought. Pushing through the fogginess that clouded her thoughts.

"Drinks?" Derek asked as he collected his belongings, the rest of the team following suit. It was finally the weekend, having come back from a case that morning, and nothing else was hindering their moment for a break; a drink felt very much needed. "Morgan, I would but I'm beat" Emily replied wearily, as she slipped on her jacket.

"I have plans tonight, sorry." Haru Matsuda was a new recruit, joining the team only six months ago. A Japanese American who had showed great promise when helping on a in-house case last year. Since then, the higher-ups had their eye on him. And with only a short amount of time, an opening - he was offered to trial with the BAU. After that, everyone else let Derek down, one by one. Reid apparently, as insane as he is, was attending a late-night showing, marathon run of Doctor Who. Of course, Derek could only tease and bully the youngest agent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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