[ Skill 'Reading Comprehension Lv. ??' activated! ]

The moment the skill was activated the text ran past before my eyes and stopped on chapter 55.

I was confused for a moment and tried to read past chapter 55. And it was still a fail

I have been able to read at least 3000 chapters, yet why can't I get past chapter 55! I tried and tried again till blood fell from my nose.

[ Error in skill ]
[ Error in skill. Error in skill. Error in skill. Error in skill. Error in skill.... ]

F*ck. Well , I am glad everything would turn up well in this chapter but we shouldn't get face to face with this 'Baek Yoonho'.

"H-hyung! Your nose is bleeding!!" Someone shouted from the trees. I looked to see it was Lee Gilyoung.

He held me down closer to him and wiped the blood trickling from my nose.

"Ahjussi! Are you alright??" Shin Yoosoung said worriedly.

"Baht!!" And biyoo was patting my head as if to comfort me that everything is going to be alright.

" I'm alright, just a slight error on my skill" I replied to make them feel better.

I looked at biyoo and suddenly remembered something.



"Can you try opening a portal outside this dungeon?" I asked. I didn't know why I haven't thought of this earlier but I hope it will work.

She nodded and opened a portal. I set up the courage to step to the portal and hope it will get us outside this dungeon. But before I could make a step, someone interrupted me



I looked back to see that it was Yoo Junghyuk. He is angry, I can tell by just how he said my name.

"Oh hi, Junghyuk-ah~" I said as I waved to him and try to annoy him even more.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he got closer to me each step.

"I was just trying something..?" I snickered and raised my shoulder as if to say 'idk'.

Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosoung went infront of me and growled at Yoo Junghyuk. Yoo Junghyuk ignored the kids an went closer to me.

"Kim Dokja, let's go back" Yoo Junghyuk said as he held my wrist.

"Wait-" Before I could complain, he grabbed me closer to him.

"Let's go." He said with determination and , still, is holding my hand. He really doesn't have a plan letting me go, is he?

"Hey you cheater! We got hyung first!" Gilyoung- ie shouted as they walked towards Yoo Junghyuk and me. Yoo Junghyuk was still dragging me out of the forest. I tried to get my wrist of his hand but the grip just got stronger every time i resist.

"Can you atleast let me explain??," I exclaimed.

He stopped and looked at me waiting for my explanation. The kids following also stopped and waited for my response.

"I am planning to get us out of here by using a portal just like before we got here. So, tried letting biyoo open a portal not for the way back home but to the the way out of this dungeon" I explained to him.

"Well did it work?" Yoo Junghyuk asked in reply.

"No, because you suddenly barged out of nowhere telling me to go back to the camp!" I annoyingly replied to him.

Then before i could complain any further, He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me way back to the portal biyoo made.

"Hey, you aren't planning to throw me again right?" I nervously chuckled. The memories rewinded in my brain back at the bridge haha.

Yoo Junghyuk's face curved up to form a smile. It was similar back then at the bridge, his face was shining brightly as he continue to listen to Kim Dokja's grumbling.

Kim Dokja then stopped grumbling as he saw the kids shocked reaction towards the protagonist expression.

Did I make him angry? Is he going to kill me? Was he annoyed at my complains? Am I gonna die? Kim Dokja was over thinking as sweat dripped down his forehead despite being in an area where there is snow everywhere.

"You know what? The portal biyoo made before seems far, why don't we just stop here and make another portal?" I said to make my fear go away.

He said nothing and just stop. He was still not letting go of my collar though. I was still at this cold icy ground.

Biyoo closed the far away portal and opened a new one without being told.

"I will get you if you can't get back out in 5 minutes." Yoo Junghyuk said.


Before I could speak, he threw me towards the portal! That son of a ...
Eyo you guys have been my inspiration to finish this hehe(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)

Jongdok be in the forest flirting while on the otherside Jinwoo is fighting with elves. Wow amazing 😍

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