Discontinuation Notice

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Hello all,

This book was written in the year 2017 at a time where I was head over heels in love with many, many characters. Astro Boy being one of them. I will not be proof reading this book again because from some of the comments I'm well aware it is beyond cringe.

That, was a horrible horrible phase. I had asked for requests some time ago then as well but I never got to do them. As a matter of fact I never got to type a single letter on any, but they were just sitting in my drafts. Eventually, I forgot I even wrote this book, only to be reminded it existed once again because of the comments that was left behind.

I've got drafts that are not even typed in, all that's sitting there are titles.

At first the passive aggressive comments that came over the years were funny, but seeing it today it's not so funny anymore as some still come in. This book was written by a 13 year old with an overactive imagination. I'm fucking 18 now.

There's bound to be some form of madness written up in those chapters. Fighting with work you don't agree with that's been on here for far too long is just dumb asf. If you're not liking the way the 13 year old wrote, 5-6 years ago, just don't read it.

Some of these comments look wild as fuck.

Now with that out of the way, your times were wasted requesting on this. Yeah. I know. But at some point in our lives we grow up, and we grow out of these phases.

The book will not be deleted as it is still getting views for some strange reason. So enjoy reading this crap!

I'm out- :P

Astro Boy x Reader One shots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now