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In this AU everyone is human and in high school/middle school/elementary school, the brothers are a little closer than in the game/manga. Levi is bullied but refused to tell anyone, especially his brothers, he also has bad self-esteem so the bullying made it worse, this all to $e|f h@rm!ng.

Ages & human names:
Lucifer-> Robert (couldn't think of smth that started with L) 19yr senior
Mammon->Mark 18yr senior
Levi->Levi 16yr junior
Satan->Sam 16yrs junior
Asmo-> Alen 15yr sophomore
Belphie-> Chris14 8th grade
Beel->ceaden14 8th grade
Diavolo->Dylan 19 senior
Barbatos->Brian19 senior
Simeon->19 senior
Solomon->19 senior
Luke->12 6thgrade

This fan fiction was inspired by the songs
When she cries by Restless Heart
Baby don't cut by Bmike

Sad!Human!Levi AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt