Shepherd chuckled rather evilly. "He's a dog with a bone and I highly recommend you don't try and take it."

"This is your last chance to change your mind," Price said, tilting his head threateningly.

"Then what?"

Captain Price got close to the laptop camera, his final words a whisper. He said all he needed to say, simple, yet completely and utterly terror-inducing.

"Then after I come for him... I'm coming for you."

He finally shut the laptop, the device making a slamming sound.

He looked around. "Get prepared. We're going to Austria. After that, we're killing Graves and finding that last missile."

Everyone was off doing their own thing as you strayed off to the side in a separate room of Alejandro's safe house. The place was dingy and dusty, the wood planks that supported the foundation beaten and worn, the wallpaper a torn off-white. The floor squeaked and groaned with every click of your heel.

You blew out of your mouth and gently set down your precious sniper rifle, careful not to leave it with any dents, and plopped down in a battered office chair sitting alone and astray on the far side of the room. You ensured to shut the door behind you once you found this place and took shelter in it — you needed time to think.

It wasn't gonna be long before you get what you came for. You didn't just join German Special Forces nor even the Austrian army itself just to serve your country, I mean, you did, but when König disappeared all those years ago, there was only one suggestion in your mind as to where he would be.

The military.

Unluckily for you, though, you were in a battalion alone with strangers whom you strongly attempted to avoid. When you joined, suspicion of terrorism surrounding Austria was already bubbling.

That was your battalion's goal — to travel, and get all the information possible. About a thousand of you and your Lieutenant went on a wild goose chase on orders from the General to a variety of different countries in Europe.

Any other soldier would complain, being so far away from home, but you never did. This was exactly what you wanted. There was a million place where Kilgore could be, and this way, you could scavenge every nook and cranny for his trace.

But you found nothing. Nothing, after years of fighting, killing, and searching. You began to grow cold and indifferent to the fighting. You began to grow angry.

You took your anger out on your victims, and before you knew it, being a soldier became an unhealthy coping mechanism. You recalled your love for boot camp all those years ago when your parents sent you off, how it relaxed you, kept you focused, how it was an outlet — that's how this was, but it was far more serious.

You climbed the ranks, and the bloodshed became old, and you craved more. More killing, more bullets, more gunfire. The other soldiers thought you were insane, but you eventually became the best they had. The Lieutenant saw your talent and set you loose with a sniper rifle, one you've kept to this day (of course with some modifications).

It wasn't long before your Lieutenant put in a good word about you to German Special Forces. German Special Forces was an enigma to average, everyday soldiers, almost like a myth. But as the suspicion of terrorism in the nearby friendly country Austria multiplied, the importance of their existence grew.

You were called into your Lieutenant's office one day and told you had been recruited into German Special forces, that you'd be sent off to Germany miles and miles away. Maybe you would find Kilgore there. You still felt discouraged. He could be anywhere.

Black Swan | Ghost & König [I] ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz