
With him.

Could it even be real?

     He looked down as she bit her little lip, looking at him anxiously, not quite sure what to do. His hungry eyes flit from her mouth, to the green orbs glowing beneath her dark lashes, and back again. "Lilah...may I? I mean... could I?" He tested gently. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her, or spook her into any pressure resulting from his desire.

     She didn't answer. Instead, she lifted up on her toes and pressed her soft mouth to his. He held her face, snaking one hand through her hair and pulling her into his kiss. His eyes closed at the ecstasy of her taste. Gathering and releasing and gathering again the honey softness of her mouth, taking her again and again with his own. Finally...FINALLY..he thought, and turned his head deepening the kiss and pressing his arms around to the small of her back. He held her to him, her splayed hands pushed warm against his chest.

     How long had she waited? How many nights had she kept this very thought in her head just to survive the horrors around her? His touch was so tender. Lips and tongue devouring her, but so sweetly, so slowly, like the peaches he had fed her, she too was a candied desert against his gentle attack.

     Lilah could feel her heart begin to race. Her face was warm from the touch of his hands. Across her back and just at the hem of her waist, his touch glided against the fabric of the dress . Fingertips grazed around to the delicate bones of her hips, touching her like feathers against the thin veil of cotton.

     She could feel him pressing her closer and closer to him. He reached from around her, taking her hands that pressed his chest and lifting them over his shoulders, around his neck, so he could move even closer to her. When she stumbled from the height of trying to reach him, he bent suddenly, swooping his long arm under the back of her knees and lifted her into his arms still kissing her feverishly and walked with her held against him to the bed.

     His arms were reaching around her waist cradling her as he sat, his other hand splaying across her jaw cupping her cheek, forcing her lips to stay with his. He had swung himself sideways now, laying her gently to the cot, pulling the boots from her in one swift moment and settling her head back against the pillow while his hand under her head wrapped around the nape of her neck, holding her longer still to his ravaging mouth.

     When he finally came away from her lips, it was only to pull his hands from beneath her to turn her neck to him where he could lean and graze a trail of hot branding kisses down to the sensitive spot just at the hinge of her shoulder. Lilah moaned softly into his ear. A sigh that pulled the fire from his groin up though his entire body. It spread through his chest, a warm flame, that beautiful coo that didn't reject him, but instead, welcomed his eager touch as he gripped her small shoulder.

     He looked up at her, finally searching her sweet face until her eyes opened and met his again. "Lilah, I.." the hunger, the lust for her glowed deep in the dilated pools of brown. "I want you so badly. HAVE wanted, you. Can I?... Will you? Please... let me please you?" His voice was just above a raspy whisper.

     She could see the need in his eyes. At that moment, the restraint from tearing the very fabric from her burned behind his questions. But she could also see the hindered fear there. He wanted to love her. Wanted her to allow him to love her, but after all that she had been through he didn't dare cross that boundary without her permission. The single most unselfish thing that a man in HER life had ever asked of her. Her permission.

     She reached a hand up sweeping back the dark curtain of hair that hung over his shoulder. "I trust you, John. Just...don't hurt me." The immediate relief that washed over him was as brilliant as the sun. A smile curled the edge of his mouth, and he leaned kissing her forehead with a lingering plant of his lips. "Never." He breathed against her skin.

Sacred Scars (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now