The Key To Freedom

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     John stayed with her as long as he could. He took the precious time to button her dress, slide on her little black boots, and lovingly tie the black ribbon around her waist.

     He stood there behind her after the ribbon was secure, and wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his chest and kissing the top of her head. "I don't think I can leave you." he hummed into her hair. He tucked her head under his chin, swaying with her gently. The simple act of dressing and leaving their warm burrow, seemed a complete and utter chore now.

     She took one of his large hands to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. "You had better go see what Dutch wants before he turns you into a new fur rug for his tent." He looked around the side of her face smiling at her. "You're so cute when you're worried." he said, kissing her temple. "John!" she laughed his name. "Ok ok" grinned a reply, still not moving.

      She tried to pull away from him and he pulled her back against him. "John! I mean it!" "Alright, alright." he smoozed again, his lips curling devilishly at her pitiful attempt to break his grasp.

     She walked tried forward and yet again he pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms crisscross around her and burying his nose in her neck chuckling. "John Marston! So, help me!" Lilah tried to turn and swat at him, but his arms were like a vice, vaulting her against him, unable to move. "You ain't going nowhere woman. I don't know why you're fighting me." His umber eyes sparkled down at her playfully as she attempted to struggle, but then she finally gave up resting her head back and looking up at him in surrender. "Please John.. Dutch is going to give you to Pearson to use in the stew if you don't go" He sighed heavily, kissing both her eyes and the bridge of her nose. "You just remember you can't get away from me that easily no more ma'am." She crinkled her nose up at him with a smirk. "Yes sir Mr. Marston." He kissed her lips and let go, reaching over to snatch his hat and plop it on his head. "I'm only going cause I don't wana hear Arthur complain, bout the meat in the stew being too damn tough and tastin' like dog." She giggled under her hand at him and watched him back away, then step back to kiss her lips. Back away again and come back for another kiss, before she finally had to push him from the door holding his hat to his head. Upon which he still leaned in leaving a sexy wink of 'you're mine later' lingering for her before letting the flap fall.

     Lilah was beginning to think she was safer in a sea of O'driscolls, then on her feet again at the mercy of John's capturing arms. She straightened her dress nervously and walked to stand in front of the tent door. All this time here in Dutch's camp and she had never walked around freely before. Its gang members had been blurred faces skewed by pain or drugging, and for once she found herself quite afraid.

     She peeked cautiously out the line of light at the tent's entrance. Beyond the protective folds she could see the members walking around doing their daily chores. Some gathered by the camp fire talking, others, ladies mostly, sat playing dominos or mending the clothes further by the grass. She only recognized a few. Arthur chopping wood at the far end of the camp. Miss. Grimshaw bustling about calling orders to the girls over her shoulder. And the kind face of Hosea, reading a paper and smoking a pipe with a silver haired distinguished glam about his wise old eyes.

     But then something caught her eye. Just to her left behind Arthur's wagon, she could see where a little bundle lay shivering on the ground at the girl's bedrolls. "Emma..." She breathed, finding the courage to move from the tent and march as quickly as she could to be by her side.

      The slow rise and fall of her body were the only signs the girl was even alive. Lilah knelt, searching her pale face. Whatever battery she had endured at the hands of Colm was healed on the outside. But the inside she feared was still mangled and raw.

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