"um, minho..? it's a bit late now.." standing to his feet jisung slung his bag over his shoulder.

"jisung, you leaving already?" approaching the table with a smile a kind looking older gentleman looked between the two.

"oh—yeah. he has to get home soon." nodding jisung rubbed his hands together, the mans eyes drifting back to minho.

"is he that boy felix was talking about? your boyfriend?"

"no! no—he's the one who's cat i hit." shaking his hands frantically before something got interpreted wrong jisung felt his face flush "he's also my partner in class—he's not. no."

"i would never date him."

lifting a brow jisung looked at minho, said man now sitting up with his hands covering his face.

"i wouldn't date you either." jisung said with an eye roll. he couldn't get two seconds in with minho before the man was dragging him.

"hm i see," trying his best not to smile or show any signs of amusement the man nodded, his hands finding themselves inside his apron pockets "i came by to bring you both a little candy. just made this batch."

"oh thank you." holding his hand out jisung took the bag that was full of strawberry shaped candies gratefully.

"mhm. both of you be safe. it's supposed to rain real bad sometime." patting jisung on his shoulder the man didn't linger too much longer.

"m'what time is it?" dropping his hands minho tried his best to blink away the heaviness that weighed his eye lids down, his lips drawn into a thin line as he glanced towards the window.

"like twelve something.? i'm not too sure-"

"twelve? are you kidding me?" snatching his phone up minho's sleepy eyes widened in disbelief. the multitude of missed calls and texts from his friends the least of his worries. i left her alone for too damn long..

"i'm sorry—i got distracted by my work and i didn't realize."

".." shaking his head minho stood up (slowly). it was his own fault he fell asleep—one minute he was eating and the next he was getting sleepy. the warm food was enough to relax him for sure.

"is there a bus we can catch still? i need to get back. preferably before one." picking his scattered notes up and folding them haphazardly minho looked at jisung, the chubby faced boy nodding his head quickly.

"yeah but it's not like the one from earlier. since its so late and all it's probably-"

"i don't care as long as i can get home in time." minho interrupted not wanting to hear the rest of jisungs mumbling. god you do something nice for people one time and you get the short end of the stick.

"o-ok. well it should be running in the next ten minutes—we should probably go no." jisung uttered before he hurried away from the table and minho. following after the boy once he triple checked to make sure he had his belongings minho puffed his cheeks outward. he shouldn't have agreed to come out so late—he shouldn't have agreed to even help jisung. i'm too nice.

but something about remembering how the idiot had looked explaining how he didn't understand a single thing made minho think twice. something about jisung asking for his help so desperately had him changing his mind just enough.

"aish." shaking his head in a silly attempt to clear his mind minho stepped out the restaurant, tired eyes spotting jisung immediately.

"i'm fine. no, i don't need you to come and get me..no. seriously? fine fine."

PUSSY | 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲.Where stories live. Discover now