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Evelyn Gilbert
The forgotten Gilbert

Will you stop following me around?!

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Will you stop following me around?!

I love my sister okay, but stop letting her ruin your sibling bond!

What my problem is? My problem is you! You always think everything revolve around you, but guess what the world doesn't revolve around you! And I'm sick of constantly hearing about how you think life's unfair, because guess what it is. And I'm sick off that the people I love getting hurt all the time because of you! I mean look around who of the people you claim to love haven't been hurt at least once!? Huh!? You can't answer that because they all have! None of have asked for it, it's you who asked for it! So take responsibility for god sake!

You think I'm miss freaking perfect?! Im a hunter, I have killed more people than I can count because it's what keep the people I love safe! But unlike you morons I don't spend my time thinking about pointless shit like saving someone who obviously just want attention.

Stop trying to control everyone around you!

A skirt is not an invitation!

Oops my hand slipped

Elena Gilbert
The spoiled favorite

I do not make everything about myself

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I do not make everything about myself

I was just trying to protect you!

I don't understand why your mad

That's impossible

How can you be friends with them?

Bonnie Bennet
The sister in all but blood

Bonnie BennetThe sister in all but blood

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