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"I'm covering my ears like a kid...."
Name: Neo Stager

Age: 19

"When your words mean nothing I go la la la"

Gender: Male


"I'm turning up the volume when you speak

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"I'm turning up the volume when you speak."

Likes: Music, being inside, video games

Dislikes: Being alone. No one listening.

"Cause if my heart can't stop it."

Backstory: Neo was born to a very happy family. His mom and dad had been married and they had a home. It was wonderful. But when he turned one, his family had been kicked out of his home and they from that point on, remained homeless. His father refused to work and his mother developed an alcohol addiction. When he was around 8, he had met someone who would become his friend for years to come. They would end up inseparable. But his life was still miserable. Everyday, he was bullied, kicked, and punched by almost everyone in his life. Something had to be wrong with him for someone to wanted to hurt him that much. He would stay behind the recess doors and read to escape from everyone. At around 12 years old, something in him changed. He was no longer the happy kid who always tried to find the best in everyone. He was now an emotionless wreck. He had been abused more ways than one and life seemed to get worse. He started skipping middle school, simply because he didn't want to, but he lied saying that there was a bully. Most people believed him. But because he skipped school, CPS came for him and he was taken away, screaming. The next two years would be spent in CPS, going to family after family, while getting therapy. He ended up at a family that he believed actually cared about him. But he was wrong. When he turned 18, he was accused of something heinous that he didn't do, and was sent to jail for 3 days. He was released because there was no evidence for this, but the family still thought their reputation was at stake. So they kicked him out, and forced him to leave. He never was even allowed to spend Christmas with them anymore.

Scenario, make up your own.

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