Project: New Dawn

Start from the beginning

Todoroki: You don't seriously think we're planning to smash down the door, guns blazing? Do you?

Kirishima: We're getting him back without fighting. It's gonna be a covert mission! That's how we heroes in training can fight... On the right side of the law!

Yaoyorozu: I trust you, Todoroki, but... Worse comes to worst, I should be there as backup... Which is why I'm coming too.

Ida: Yaoyorozu!?

Kirishima: Yaoyorozu!

Midoriya: The thought that we can still reach him... I just can't sit around doing nothing. I need to go save him.

Ida: There's no swaying you...

He took a deep breath.

Ida: In that case... Take me with you!?

(Y/n): The team is set then.

The group looked around to find the source of the voice.

(Y/n) dropped down in front of them, face still covered.

(Y/n): Izuku Midoriya

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(Y/n): Izuku Midoriya... Shoto Todoroki... Ejiro Kirishima... Tenya Ida... and Momo Yaoyorozu. I personally asked Kirishima to bring you all together for this mission. I will assist you five in rescuing Bakugo... If it comes to it I will do the fighting and take the blame for what comes after.

Midoriya: Well, with you our chances look better...

(Y/n): When you retrieve Bakugo... I want you to get as far away from there as possible. Understand?

They all nodded.

(Y/n): Good. Let's go.

Ida got Midoriya's attention.

Ida: I shouldn't... Have gotten violent with you. I apologize.

Yaoyorozu: Seriously Ida. Your reason for accompanying us isn't very convincing.

Midoriya: I'm fine. Don't sweat it.

Ida: It's precisely because I can't agree with what you're all doing that I'm choosing to accompany you. If I think for even a second that it's going to devolve into a fight, I'll pull us out there in a hurry! Think of me as a monitor... A watchman!

Todoroki: Watchman Ida, huh?

Yaoyorozu: The same goes for me. This is a job for the pros. Watching from the sidelines without interfering is what we should be doing.

(Y/n): Sometimes matters have to be taken into your own hands.

Yaoyorozu: So we can end up like you?

(Y/n): So none of you will.

There was silence.

(Y/n): Where is the tracker located in Yaoyorozu?

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