Chapter 2

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 So just a teeny heads up. Before ya'll get mad at me for not getting ages correct, I am aware that Rooster, Phoenix, Hangman and all that jazz are most likely in the 38-45 age zone. HOWEVER, I am going to be lowering the age a little bit just for the sake of this making a bit more sense. Just to be clear, we aren't entirely sure how old they actually are, it just a rough estimate. SO, with that said, Rooster is going to be around 30 ish and everyone else ranging anywhere where from 30-40. Thanks for understanding. Pls don't be mad. I hope u still enjoy 😊 


"Welcome to your Field Naval Aviator Evaluation," one of the Admiral's said, taking a seat at the head of the table. The other officers followed him and took their respective seats as well. "I am Admiral Jawskins. I will be in charge of today's evaluation, however, the decision to move you on or not is a group decision. I am not the only Admiral you will have to please today."

We nodded in silence while he quickly moved on to explain how this would work. 

"First, we will have you do a basic course. This is exactly what you do in training. You will each go one at a time while we evaluate your ability to do basic flying. Following that, you will complete a course you have never seen before. Again. We will evaluate that, this time for your ability to think fast and learn something new. And finally, we are doing something different today," the Admiral said, notably irritated by what he would have to tell us next. "We have received word that we are to test your abilities in dog fighting."

Beside me, I heard Baffler take a small gasp. It took everything I had not to laugh or even smile. Dog fighting. Something the navy was slowly trying to work out of our training, believing it was no longer necessary. But I knew how to dog fight. Probably better than any one in the room. Including the Admirals.

My dad had taught me, believing it was an important skill that the Academy didn't teach as well. Gio had laughed when we first started, but eventually, he too learned the importance of dog fighting. No matter what happened up in the air, Gio and I would always have a better fighting chance than any one we knew.

And that was exactly what my dad had strived for.

But the real question wasn't how I was going to dog fight. It was why I was going to dog fight. After years of being told no, suddenly, the Admiral's were requiring us to do the one thing they refused to let me do. Why? Why now?

"Hornet," Admiral Jawskins said sharply, bringing me to attention.

"Yes, sir." I said, standing straighter.

"You will go second."

I nodded. Silently wondering who was going first and what else I had missed of the conversation while being absorbed in my thoughts.

"And you Payback and Fanboy will be last. Questions?"

Nobody spoke. Nobody wanted to ask the question we were all burning to have answered. Finally, after glancing at the others, I spoke up.

"Sir, why are we doing dog fighting?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound disrespectful.

"Remember your rank, Lieutenant. It is not your job to know things. Dog Fighting is required because we need to see how you handle yourself. No questions are to be asked on that topic. Any other questions, not concerning our new requirement?"


But my question had been answered, even if Admiral Jawskins had not intended to answer it. A mission. There had to be a mission. That was why I was here. Not just for the typical evaluation but also to see if I was good enough for a mission. 

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