Creep VS Mystery Boy: Who Will Win???

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As your family made it to the new house, you all started to bring in the last couple of boxes, you carried some of your belongs placing them in your new room. You sighed, as you missed your old bedroom, but, this room will do for now. You started unpacking your stuff, until your brother Hyunjin starts coming in, and taking the picture of your friends away from, as you start chasing him around the house, you finally got him, and took the photo away from him.

 As that was over you walked back into your room slamming the door. You grab your head phones, placing them on top of your head, and start listening to your music to help motivate with this whole unpacking. You continued to work on your new bedroom, making it suit your personality. 2 hours later you have finally finished your room, you smiled as it was done. You flopped on the bed to enjoy it, and start falling asleep, since you were tired. But, something woke up in quickly, as you got out of bed, and headed towards the door, where you open it, hearing your parents argue, and your siblings in the corner of the living room, they noticed me, and I realized that Mom and Dad were fighting because of them. I felt bad, and needed to get them out of there. I signal them to come towards me, and they started running towards me, I shutted the door. And they were out of breath from running as fast as they can. 

 I squat down to look at them, they were shaking in fear, as Mom and Dad were still yelling at each other. I rolled my eyes, and turned to look at them. 

Ji Ah: Lets get out of here, and get some food, how about that! 

Hana: Yeah! 

Hyunjin: I am very hungry, from all that hard work. 

Ji Ah: Than lets go! 

I grabbed my shoulder bag that has my wallet in it, my phone, headphones, and other things as well. I opened the window, and hopped out first, than helped them. We headed to the bus stop, waiting for the bus, well we were waiting, an man comes near us, in the corner of my I noticed him looking at us, I moved Hana and Hyunjin closer to me. The bus finally make its towards us, we get on, and find our seats, the man walks in on the bus, and sits across from us, but, kind of next to us. I noticed him looking at Hana as she looks out the window. The bus stops as it picks up more people, I was feeling very uncomfortable as this man kept staring at me. That someone finally noticed it, and walked over to where the creep was sitting on his spot, and making sure that this man doesnt come anywhere near us. 

Hyunjin: This is our stop. 

Ji Ah: Okay come on. 

We pulled the bus signal letting him know, as he stops the bus, we get off, the creep follows us, and so does the man who helped us. Were they following us? Are they working together?! I was starting to get scared, but, I didnt want Hyunjin and Hana to noticed the fear on my face, so I had to stay calm for them. We made it to the convince store, and grabbed some stuff to eat. We had to cook it of course, since they were raw or needed to be heated up. When it was done, I placed it on the table for them to eat. The same old man on the bus was there grabbing food too, oh phew he isn't here to kidnap us. I seen the same person who helped us walk to the police station. Now I was confused, was he an officer or something? As the same creepy old man comes back into the store than heads over to where we were, I had to protect me and my siblings from this creep, so when he turned to look at me, I gave him the glare, and as soon as I did that he started walking angrily towards us. At this point my heart was racing so fast, that I thought I was going to have an heart attack. 

 So what do I do? I grab my siblings, and start running the hell out of there, but, he was still following us. I looked back to see him following us, out of nowhere someone comes, and jumps right infront of us, we all stared at him, as he moves us behind him, and stares down the creep, which makes him confused, he walks up to him, and tries to grab one of us. The creep was about to run, when the mystery boy said.

???: Where do you think your going!

He says as he grabs him, and throws him to the wall, I covered my siblings eyes so they wouldnt see this. I watch him beat the creep up. 


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The creep was knocked out, the guy turns around and looks at me, but the sirens came and he turns around to look at them, and turns back to me, as he starts running out of the alleyway, the police men comes running towards me to check on me

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The creep was knocked out, the guy turns around and looks at me, but the sirens came and he turns around to look at them, and turns back to me, as he starts running out of the alleyway, the police men comes running towards me to check on me. They take me to the station, where my parents were called, they rushed over and checked to make sure we were okay.

Joon woo: Where did you guys go?

Ji Ah: We went to the convivence store, we were hungry.

Ae-cha: Why didnt you tell us?

Hana: Because you guys were fighting about something that me and Hyunjin broke. 

Joon woo: We are sorry that we didnt make anything to eat for you guys, come on lets head home now, you guys start school tomorrow.

They said as they walked us out of the station, but, I couldn't stop thinking about that guy who saved us in the alleyway. I continued walking to the car, and thought someone was watching me, so I turned around to see no one there. We drove home, but, what I didnt know is that the Mystery Boy was watching us leave from the roof top. When I got home, I headed straight to my bed, and went to sleep, and kept thinking about that guy, so I got up and started drawing him, I then yawned, and headed back to sleep. 

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