[You're Not Welcome 'Round Here..] {3}

Start from the beginning

{"So, I listened in, since you were asleep. And you needed it to function.." Freddy's voice wavered slightly, as if he was trying to keep himself calm. "And what I heard from this person... How do you say it now? Pissing me off, Making me regret his very existence. . .?" He growled- 'No damn way, he fucking growls?! I am definitely using that against him..' I'd mental note again, holding back a laugh. But I could only imagine... What did they say to piss Freddy off this much..? "Although, I didn't know you still had any form of family..~" He added on, causing me to freeze up in fear.}

"We miss you, we all do! And we wanna celebrate with you tomorrow.." The mans' voice was 'sad'.. 'Manipulation..? Caught you right in the act didn't I..?~' My grin faltered into a scowl, my fans whirring slightly. 'Celebrate...? Is he talking about a reunion maybe..? No that can't be it..' I thought for a moment, thinking of another option. "Mom and dad want to spend your birthday with you this year, [Y/D/N].. They really mi-" The mans' voice was deafen, 'Shortcakes' birthday is tomorrow!? Seems like I have a birthday boy on my hands!' My grin immediately came back, although it had widened considerably. However, I couldn't help but piece together that he had said 'THIS year'... is his family a 'cut contact'..?
{"After listening in for a while, I learned a few things.. Birthday boy.~" I could FEEL his smirk, letting out a groan of frustration. "It turns out.. You cut contact didn't you, BB?" He mumbled, although where I was in, he was very hearable. "But I learned more then that.. I learned the reason you cut contact, Sugar cube!~" His voice meant to sound cheery and happy... But he still sounded pissed off. "An-And what's that?" My voice was shaking, 'HE KNOWS.. HE KNOWS.. HE KNOWS..' I was completely panicking, at the verge of tears even... "Because, they lack braincells.." His voice turned fully angered now.. 'HE KNo..- He's... Okay with it?' My anxiety eased, I was no longer tensed up in fear.. Instead, a new feeling was there.. Overwhelming joy..}
'Come to think of it... That isn't his name... Could it be that... perhaps [Y/N] had cut contact for a good reason..' The thought began to piss me off, so I focused back into his voice, only to realize he was now yelling and beating on the door..

"[Y/D/N], YOU CAN'T JUST ABANDON YOUR FAMILY! YOU CAN BE FUCKING SERIOUS, ARE YOU STILL PISSED OFF ABOUT THE 'transgender coming out' THING BEING DISGUSTING!?" He yelled at the door, hitting it. 'Okay... Now I'm pissed off.. And before his birthday of all days!?' I snarled, wandering over to [Y/N] and gently putting him into my stomach hatch.. Where he'd be safe... Safe from the disgusting manipulating garage his brother spewed..

'And now to deal with Y O U..' I looked up at the door, enraged.

Thankfully, I had the element of surprise... Gently I grabbed his keys, unlocking the door and hiding behind it.

{"Freddy.. What'd you do with Eric..?" I muttered, realizing that an angry sadistic animatronic had been the one there to deal with my brother. "I did what I do best...~" His tone turned dark, his fans whirring at the memory.. "He went down so easy... I placed you into the stomach hatch, for your safety, of course.. And then I unlocked the door and hid behind it once it opened." His grin twitched as he could feel my heart beating faster..}

[Y/N]'s brother ran in, blind with anger, he didn't even see me at all. 'Moron. . .' I glared at him, waiting calmly for my chance to gut him while he was still breathing. . . He began to search around for Shortcake, seething with anger. 

[OKAY READERS! This is where the REAL GORE in this book begins! If you go any further..]
[You will be venturing into some seriously dark stuff, my dear readers..]
[I would tell you that there is no torture, mental torture, or gore here... But I'd be LYING.]
[I don't control the characters after all.. I only tell their stories..~]

.={The Cards Are In Nobody's Favor..}=. a CTW Freddy X Reader! (OLD ASF)Where stories live. Discover now