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"we promise you kid nothing is gonna happen to you not again." I looked at the woman not believing her "listen until we can get another arrangement set up you're gonna be staying with this family's. They're a great family and nothing should happen to you while you're there." she turned my head slightly so I would look at her, but I just pulled down my long sleeves as I grab my bags "y/n listen to me kid." she got down on one of her knees "once we get this all settled we'll try to find you a home one that you'll be safe in. You can come back if you choose to that is your choice, but we have to send you away it's for your own protection." I just looked away from her as I put my hood up covering my face as I walked away from her as I got on the plane.

I sat down in my seat putting my bag above me as I looked out the window "hey kid I'll be the one transporting you there," I turned my head slightly to look at the man as he sat down "are you excited to be moving to UK?" he tried to make conversation with me but I wouldn't budge "still not saying anything huh?" he just shook his head as he patted my shoulder a little "listen kid everything's gonna work out I promise. We're not gonna let your parents touch you again their bad people. You understand that right?" he gave me a sympathetic look as I bet my bottom lip. I looked away from him as he let out a heavy sigh he looked forward moving his hand for my shoulder "I understand that this is a little troublesome for you. I mean moving away from your friends the people you trust-" I only scarfed "who said they were my friends." I glanced at him through the corner of my eye "you know toxic didn't care low life self-centered bitches. Why should I care about them?" he looks a little bit shocked but I just looked away from him looking outside the window again as the plane finally took off.

He try to make conversation with me throughout the plane ride but I wouldn't respond to him anymore once we were in the middle of the flight he finally shut up' and stop trying to talk to me which was pleasant. I always like the silence sure it makes me feel alone like no one's there, but at the same time that's a good thing it means I'm safer not being around anyone I won't have to worry about getting a new bruise on me, or a new cut, or my life being threatened so it was nice.

At some point in the flight I fell asleep I was a light sleeper so I would always joke awake a little bit when the guy moved, but hey there's nothing I can do about that I just sat there trying to get some sleep to make this plane ride go faster.

After what felt like an eternity the plane finally stopped signal that we were here "all right kid my friend is the one taking you in he'll be meeting us here." I just stood up grabbing my bag as I followed him off the plane "he's a nice guy he doesn't work in child services he works in a pizzeria, but I trust the guy." I looked at the guy through the corner of my eye as we made our way through the airport.

we stopped at the comparable to grab the rest of my luggage. As I was grabbing one of my suitcases someone approached us "hey Luke I'm guessing this is the kid." I looked to my right to see a guy with pale skin he had messy light brow hair dark color eyes he was wearing a light flannel shirt with like blue jeans "that she is. I would like you to meet y/n l/n kid this is my friend Henry Emily he'll be taking you in" I just kept looking the guy up, and down as I grab my suitcases "not much of a talker is she?" The guy that I took the plane with Luke apparently his name is just laughed "yeah me and a bunch of the other guys try to get her to talk when we found her but she won't say a word sure she snapped at me on the plane, but it wasn't much we get her to say one word or maybe a sentence but that's it, and all of the times it's insulting." Luke glad that me as I just rolled my eyes "oh well I'm not gonna force you to talk kid I have a daughter younger than you so I understand that it can be overwhelming especially this" he stood beside me as I just grabbed my luggage "why don't I help you with it." He tried to take the luggage from me but I pulled back "don't touch me!" my voice was low making him step back a little bit as he put both of his hands in the air "all right I won't touch you I just want to help." I looked him up and down again he didn't really look like anything he didn't look like he could hurt me but at the same time neither did my mother "good luck dude she's your problem now." I heard Luke whisper as he just walked away

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