"What is it?"

"You're as beautiful as the day you left."

He said softly, the subtle comment penetrating her heart. Her lip twitched, unable to form into either a smile or a frown. She didn't reject the comment, but she also couldn't form a response- once again, he was the one picking up the conversation.

"What do you think of the. . . Omaticaya?"

The subject changed, the tension straining her body dissipated.

"They are good people, we could learn a thing or two from 'em. Appreciate things more. . ."

She trailed off- finding her statement hypocritical. She couldn't appreciate the person sitting before her, let alone truly understand the Omaticaya people's endless gratitude.

"They're okay, a bit stubborn though- like jarheads without a drinking problem."

Distracted by the conversation, she got a few bites of her food in, getting closer and closer to finishing her first proper meal in weeks. She may not have realized, but talking with him again, being in his presence, she felt safe.

"Guess so."


Progress was slow the next week, for both warrior training and personal growth. Neytiri continued teaching [_____] about the forest, trying to break through the solid barrier guarding her heart- to no avail. Her physical training was yielding better results, her avatar's muscle tone toughening, allowing her to perform any challenge asked. At the very least, she could trust her body to carry her through the forest, and she could trust her connections with the animals. But spiritually, she was challenged, held back by her firm grip on the past. Sitting at the campfire, that was all she could think about.

"Anyone sittin' here?"

A voice called, revealed to be none other than Jake. Her eyes dilated at the sight of him, when had he gotten so handsome? She supposed it was the avatar's body, with its unblemished form representing his Jake's prime.

"The spot is empty, isn't it?"

She replied curtly, glad that he sat beside her despite the attitude she gave.

"Doesn't look like occupied to me. How's training? I saw Neytiri took you to the tree of voices."

Reaching behind herself, pulling her braid forward and letting the hair fall back from the end, tendrils unfurling and twisting in front of her, she inspected it curiously.

"It's an interesting concept- connecting to these trees. I really could hear them."

"Its kinda freaky."

He took his braid in hand, mimicking her like a child would there mother. She dropped her own, now uninterested- laying her head on her knees in favor of watching him.

"And how about you? Tsu'tey teaching you about the forest?"

Quickly noticing her lingering gaze, he stopped fiddling with his hair- nonchalantly scooting closer as he spoke, quickly peeking around to see if anyone was watching.

"Yea. Hunting isn't a problem, neither is survival, I could do that stuff in my sleep. But, I still don't understand their connection to this place."

He spoke quietly, not wanting any of the natives to hear. She blinked slowly, listening to him speak, eyes still lingering- mind almost blank, minus a few unwanted thoughts, ones that could have spurred her to kiss him. Her ability for forethought was the only thing holding her back, she knew the repercussions of initiating anything with him. If she kissed him now, if she ever gave into him, that would spark a rekindling in their relationships- a need for her to work on herself, to change, to learn, to grow. Coming back from her thoughts, she realized she hadn't responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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