Chapter 3: The husband, the wife and her madre

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's my break time. I fashion consult on the side," She said finding his regular shoes, "Your daughter was just elected class president. Don't embarrassment her on her first day."

"Have you met me?" Agustín said trying to remind Fran of his bee stings and clumsiness.

All the children come down the stairs followed by the rest of the parents and Alma. Isabela came down gracefully with Dolores trailing behind her.

"Ah, here she is. Hail to the chief." He said hugging his eldest daughter.

"Thank you, thank you. I am not a crook," She holds up both Her arms in the classic Nixion victory pose. "Fran taught me this."

"I still can't believe she got elected," said Fran's only daughter Sofia a.k.a Sofie.

"Why?" asked Isa a bit insulted from hearing her inquiry.

"Well, this was the schoolhouse's first election, and the students never even heard of student government," she explained, making the Chlorokinetic Madrigal relax.

"Now, Sofie, you should be proud of your prima," She takes note of Dolores, "Both of them. They worked very hard on their campaign," said Fran smiling proudly at her nieces.

"Ma, you wrote their speeches, came up with their campaign platform, organized their school bus tour, and picked out her accessories," Sofia pointed out.

"I only helped with the basics," Fran correct. "I did the same with the other candidates to keep it fair," she added.

"Yeah, it was Abuela that organized her speech and bus tour," said Dolores referring to her grandmother's involvement with Isa's campaign. Just Isa not Dolores.

"Well, it paid off. Aren't you glad you decided to run?" Alma said smiling proudly at Isa.

"Mm-hmm," she nodded.

"Now you're a leader like me. Did I tell you I was like a president when the town first started?" Oh boy, ever since Fran's crash course on world history, politics, and leaders, Alma has been nonstop with the president's spiel.

"Yes!" everyone said in a deadpan manner.

"Well, I was. But this is your victory, and we're all very proud of you. President Madrigal, She's a woman of vision and a leader amongst mankind."

"Thank you," the long haired girl said.

"Now, rub your eye boogers out," Alma said as Isa fixed herself.

"So, now we're off to celebrate Isa and Dolores' achievement by taking in the art exhibit on the events that's happened over the past fifty years," Agustín said.

"There's a fine line between reward and punishment in this house," commented Camilo.

"I love Edvard Munch's painting, The Scream," said Mirabel as she mimicked the painting then Camilo did it with his powers causing her to smile cause it was like the actual painting but in real LIFE.

"Impressive, but Cam sweetie doesn't that put a strain on your little body?" Fran asked cringing in concern.

"I'm okay," he said shifting back but looking a little tired.

"Huh-huh. Well here I packed leftovers of Tía Julieta's food just in case," she gave him the bag as he went to his mother's side.

"So, Francesca, what are you doing on your day off?" asked Pepa as Fran gave all the kids their lunches.

"Well, I'll tell you what I'm not doing. I am not having lunch with my Uncle Jack and Cousin Marsha, who is visiting from Boca. Believe me, an afternoon with Jack and Marsha... Well, don't ask.

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