~11~ Out with the Old, in with the New

Start from the beginning

"And your little stunt with the Cardinal? That was justice? Or murder? You are assassins after all. You make it far more glamorous than it actuaclly is."

Sophie chewed the inside of her cheek before leaning back in her chair and reminding the Senator, "By any means necessary."

Fausta sighed through her nose and turned to another senator for help. This one was new compared to their allies. Sophie remembered their ceremony into office right before she left Inalia.

Senator Atlas raised their chin and clamped their hands together in front of them on the table. Atlas had shoulder-length curly hair with a cord of leather wrapped around their forehead. They had a strong jaw and soft dark blue eyes, which were always quiet but never meek. The sun didn't shine when they were elected into the Senate, despite the white chiton and gold laurel wreath they wore, two items that should've caught all the light in Inalia. Yet none shone on the new senator that day. 

(Gustave Courtois, Dante and Virgil in Hell, ca

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(Gustave Courtois, Dante and Virgil in Hell, ca. 1879)

"What my friends are trying to say is that we all hold the homeland very dear in our hearts, and right now our people are divided. You are familiar with the rebellion, yes?"

Sophie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Yeah, they broke her out of the temple after the Senate's soldiers cornered her.

"Yes." Sophie curtly responded.

"They look up to you. Many of our people do. Many invoke your name when inciting the rebellion."

Sophie's eyes widened, "I had nothing to do with this rebellion, if you must know. I've been dealing with larger problems."

"We know, Amalia. Which is why we want you to help us stop this. To reunite Inalia in order to bring prosperity and peace amongst our land."

Even Arsinoe perked up at that. All the Senators looked to Atlas except for Vincenzo, who just narrowed his eyes.

Sophie leaned forward in her chair, her arms propped on the arms, "And how do you advise doing that?"

"The people saw the crown go on your head. They saw the ancient Queen crown you and you defend us against the Mirthless in the mountains. The people believe in us even less than before. But Amalia, you are no queen. We all know that. And Inalia is a democracy," Arsinoe snorted, knowing it was as much a democracy as pigs fly. Atlas pressed on, "But the Senate cannot work to improve our people and land with it divided like this. Work with us. Unite the Senate and this rebellion under one name and recitify our people."

Sophie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Join the Senate? The Senate has been corrupt since its making after the downfall of the Republic. Sophie's whole thing is taking people like them down, but they want her to join them?

"What are your conditions?" Sophie asked through gritted teeth.

"You and your family reside in Renisanca in the royal apartments near the senate buildings. You tell your navy, warriors, and assassins to put down their arms or join the Senate's forces. And, you publically announce to the people your loyalty to the Senate-"

"Yeah, I'm going to cut you off right then and there. You are out of your mind if you think I'm just going to throw everything I built just to quell a rebellion that you fools started. You need me a whole lot more than I need you." Sophie snapped. Senator Atlas narrowed their eyes, staring Sophie down.

"In case you fools forgot, I am doing a whole lot more to destroy the terroists that took over our home that you claim to love so much." Sophie glared at Vincenzo, "Doing a lot more than some of you."

Vincenzo glared back at her, his hand running down the scars Maria gave him all those years ago. Senator Fausta stood, "Miss Morretti I do not know what you are insinuating about my fellow senators-"

"We all know who he is! What he does! Yet you fools leave him on the Senate because you are scared of him. Fine, you want me to come back to Inalia to help fix your mistakes? Here are my conditions. I won't publically announce shit. You find a place for me and all my forces to continue our operations to defeat the Neverseen and the Black Swan, seeing as our ancient guildhouse is nothing but ash. And most importantly," Sophie pointed at Vincenzo Esposita, the murderer of the Moretti family name, "I want him gone."

And for the first time that night, worry plagued Vincenzo's face. All the Senators turned to him slowly, as if scared he will rip their heads off. Vincenzo hissed, "How dare you even consider this?"

Sophie grabbed her plate and cup of wine, her chair screeching behind her as she stood.

"I've listed what it will take. When you have your answer, you can ask Arsinoe to set up another little meeting." Arsinoe glared, clearly not happy about being the middleman. Sophie bows to the Egypitnat queen, "You highness."

Sophie began towards the exit, peeling open the grape leaves on her plate before calling behind her, "I'm keeping these, by the way!" Holding up her plate and cup. It was nice china, after all. Sophie missed eating off nice china.

Sophie was surprised when the call came the next day via one of Arsinoe's medjay

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Sophie was surprised when the call came the next day via one of Arsinoe's medjay. Sophie and Ricin landed in the same place that they did the day before. And before her was a serious senate who greeted her sternly.

Without Vincenzo Esposita amongst their ranks. Which meant it was time for Sophie to fulfill her end of the deal.

"I'll tell my men to start organzing and breaking down camp tonight." 

And just like that, Sophie returns home

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And just like that, Sophie returns home.

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