~6~ Damaged Daisies and Mauled Marigolds

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Sophie never thought she would be in the Underground for a shower and clothes. But when they finally arrived at the underground safe house, she practically collapsed on the cot they provided for her and her family. A too cold shower and plain but warm clothes later, Sophie was starting to feel like a person again.
Kassandra lounged in her bed, reading through a book provided for her. The queen's mind struggled to understand the new dialects of Inalian, far different from the Inalian of her own time. Apparently, ancient vatarians weren't blessed with a natural polyglot ability like the modern ones.

Sophie gently sat on the edge of Kassandra's bed and placed a hand on Kassandra's knee.
"How are you?"

Sophie was still yet to fully understand what happened on that ship. But she did understand one thing. As they were about to collide with the cliffside, Kassandra took the bulk of the hit instead of Sophie, spinning her niece around to avoid getting the jetting rocks to the back. Sophie always assumed Kassandra didn't like her that much, both their constant fighting and her favoritism to her brother.

Kassandra sighed, dropping the book.
The black veins have now fully covered Kassandra head to toe, pulsing with power breaking at its vessel.
"It hurts. I can't move on my own anymore. I feel useless." Kassandra sighed, wiggling her leg from beneath the covers.

Sophie nodded, pursing her lips, "I can't even imagine, Kassandra. I'm sorry this happened."

Sophie carefully loosed a breath before asking, "Why did you protect me when we were on that ship?

Kassandra considered her momentarily, then gave Sophie a small but warm smile, "Those things I told you when we first met? They are true. I believe you will be the shepherd into the new age, and now you have the resources to do so. You may not realize it yet, but you are more important than I." She pinched Sophie's cheek, an action she had never done once to Sophie.

Alexios entered their room, kicking Sophie's feet until she made room for him on the bed.

"You haven't died yet?" Alexios asked Kassandra, tired but still teasing. Kassandra gave him a snarky smile, "No, not yet. If I'm going out, I'm going out in a better way."

Alexios chuckled, nodding a bit to himself. Sophie picked up Kassandra's book, cracking it open and thumbing through the pages. Her father would read her the same story when she was little. The story of the Amazon and the sailor who fell in love and conquered the evil queen of snakes. A silly little tale, but a good one.

But now, whenever Sophie imagined the queen of snakes, Cynna's face took her place. It turned the story a little sour for her.
Sophie smiled and turned to her aunt, "A love story?"

Kassandra stared at the book, almost distantly, "I miss Waiyu."

Princess Waiyu, the Chiranu princess and Kassandra's wife. Kassandra had lived thousands of years underground and alone, allowing her to mull over her life. It sounded agonizing to Sophie.

Alexios cleared his throat, and he reached into his jacket. He pulled out a small glass ball filled with a mysterious purple and black liquid mixed with little white flecks. He handed it to Kassandra with a tight smile, "I saved this from the crash."
Kassandra snatched the glass back faster than the eye could see.
Sophie loved that little trinket. Maria made it for Kassandra to help relieve stress. You could watch the magical liquid inside swirl and shudder for hours, and Kassandra often stared at it for hours. Maria said she figured that lowering Kassandra's stress would help keep Mephala at bay.

"Are we..." Alexios cleared his throat, pulling Kassandra out of her wonder of the tiny little glass ball, "Are we still going to Adonis's Isle'?"

Sophie spun on him, "Are you kidding? Of course not! We are heading back to the valley as soon as possible!"

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