E2S1; where did everyone else go

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“where did everybody go!?”

First person pov;

“i know right, I'm so thankful, can you imagine what would have happened if they found us”.
I agreed with Sora who was just getting back her breathe.

We finally got the snap back to reality we needed and stood ourselves up straight looking to see if the fireworks were still there.

It's a little to empty.

I mean EMPTY.

Sora exclaimed still slightly fighting for her breathe.

“maybe they all went somewhere to see the fireworks”.
I tried to keep it positive.

“seriously?, The fireworks where like everywhere”.
Sora was right.

I eventually gave in and agreed this was not right.

“all that running and stuff has made me really hungry”
Sora complained.

I can't lie,
“me too”.

“let's go find a convenience store”.
She instructed.

We both looked around for a store, eventually after a few twists and turns we came across a small corner store hidden in a corner of overgrown plants.

“that is so weird”.
We both said.

I've never seen this here before.

Sora looked a little hesitant, she's watched so many of those horror movies about kidnapping or poisoning, that kind of stuff.

“how do we know this is safe”.
She expectedly argued.

“i can't lie this is our of ordinary, but so is all of this”.
I answered back, trying to back myself up.

I stepped forward to look through the window.

I couldn't see anything though, it looks like it's been covered by newspapers.

“this is so shady, plus I have a bad gut feeling”.
Sora sounded frightened now.

Now that I think about it I've had a terrible feeling in my gut ever since the fireworks started.


“well, you can wait out here, I'm too curious”.
I announced, giving Sora a reassuring look.

She didn't give me an answer, she just looked as if she was trying to solve a crazy maths problem.

Probably completely unsure of what to do.

“if you change your mind don't think twice and join me”.
I reminded her before going over to open the front door.

She didn't follow me so I unlocked the door only to find a bunch of shelf's which seemed completely scattered around.

“uh, anyone here?”
I called out.

I almost jumped out of skin.

“finally! We found someone other than us!!”.
I heard a male voice shout out.

I shouldn't be so stunned but it caught me off guard and made me leap up.

“where are you?”.
I asked, unsure to be afraid or glad.

What actually made it fearful was the fact that there was absolutely no electricity, meaning the lights were all out.

And it was getting late here so there was no sunlight out.


I pulled out a flashlight I almost completely forgot about.

I turned it on speedily.

“ouch, don't point that in my eyes please”.
The man that I had been facing the whole time yelped out.

I moved it away from his face only to find two more guys next to him.

They all looked completely opposite.

One had a smart business outfit on with tamed dark hair, whilst the other one that had his hand placed on his shoulder wore a casual Hawaiian button up shirt with yellow spiked up hair.

Before I could check the last male out Sora came through the door with a worried look on her face.

“oh my god girl I thought you died”.
She gushed.

“wow, another person, I'm so glad we aren't the only ones!”
The short guy with tamed hair chirped.

“oh this is good, you found people”.
She sounded pleased.

Until she raised her voice and sounded more concerned again.


The last guy with messy hair and a pair of overly casual clothes chuckled lightly, turning to her.

“don't worry, we are just like you two, we couldn't see anyone and went for some food”.
He attempted to reassure Sora.

I didn't get any weird gut feelings from these guys, and whenever something felt wrong in my gut it always ended wrong.

So I took the three guys side and made sure my friend knew they meant no harm.

“my name is arisu by the way”.
The messy haired guy introduced himself.

“oh, and this is chota and karube”.
He said pointing to his two friends.

“i'm chota”.
Confirmed the short guy with the smart outfit.

“and that leaves me being karube”.
Joked the yellow haired guy.

Me and Sora then introduced ourselves.

“so, did any of you find any food, I'm starved”.
Sora broke the silence.

“yeah, we were in the middle of that actually”.
Karube pointed out the obvious.

“wait, do you guys know where everyone else went?”.
Chota questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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