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Bee's POV
Straub and I were just getting of the plane when I saw Graser. I ran into his arms. "I missed you!!" "I missed you too Bee!!" Straub walked over "Hurry before we are late" "Sorry Straub." I was mad at Straub. He didn't care how happy I am. He is jelous. I know he is. It makes me sad that my best friend can't just be happy for me.

Straub's POV
We got of the plane and Bee ran to Graser. They hugged and they looked happy. I was kind of jelous. I knew they were the perfect couple but Idk.

Graser's POV
We were getting into our uber and Straub sat in the middle. Like what the fudge? He is so jelous. He isn't even hiding it. He was just straight up rude. He pretended to sleep and told us to be quiet every time we said anything. We got to the hotel and we were the first ones there. We rented two rooms one for me and Straub and Bee would share with Dul when she got here. Finally Straub decided to go get lunch so I went into Bee's room. "Where should we go Graser?" "There is a fancy restraint down the street. I already made a reservation." "Ok" "We'll go tonight." "Great. Dul is almost here. Do you want to catch an uber and pick her up?" "Sure I'll text Straub." "Ok let's go" We went in the car and talked a lot.

Bee's POV
By the time we were there the driver had to tell us we were there because we were kissing. The kiss seemed to have lasted hours. All I knew is that I loved Graser and Straub couldn't screw that up. Once we got out we started kissing again. Dul came out to catch an uber and saw us.

Dul's POV
When I got out of the airport I saw Bee and Graser. They didn't see me though they were kissing. I stood there for litteraly five minutes and they still weren't done. So I walked up to them. "Hey love birds!!" "Dul!! Holy nutella!!" "Oh sorry Dul we totally forgot." "Oh its ok I understand." Omg that was so cute. As soon as the uber got here we got in and they were kissing again. Wow, just wow.

I'm really happy how this chapter turns out. I will probably do a chapter everyday because I enjoy it so much. Keep leaving feedback!!

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