
Start from the beginning

"Relaxing I suppose", she answers, "Haven't seen anyone today so that's bound to change sooner or later."

The ocean eyed boy lets out a brief breath of laughter as he blows out the cigarette smoke into the air. From the time the two arrived back from the races, with many thanks to the silent drive back, Thomas had come to the conclusion that he somehow had to try harder. Although tough on the outside, Thomas Shelby is truly a man of his heart; a romantic some might say, but never within earshot of the man. And when it came to Miss. Elizabeth Alder, even after all the time passed, there wasn't anything he and his heart wouldn't do for her.

     Given his conclusion, every day since, the first thing the man did after waking up and getting dressed was walk over to the Alder home. And every morning he was blessed with the angelic sight of his golden haired girl. The first few days of his now routine was greeted with a very puzzled look on the girl's face, but after about a week the confused raised brow turned into a smile.

As the two walk into the front room of The Garrison, everyone else was already seated; John, Arthur, and Polly.

"Alright John", Thomas says almost immediately as he silently refuses a drink from his older bother, "There's only one man guarding the house, what's troubling you?"

The golden haired girl sits beside her Aunt who gives her a smile. "Polly", John begins as he clears his throat, "You know what it's been like, since Martha died."

"God takes the best first", she replies as she lays a hand gently onto his.

Not that Elizabeth never spoke to John, but the topic he speaks of never really managed to come up between the two. In turn, she gives John a sympathetic look, he returning a slight upward turn of his lips.

"Truth is", he continues, "My kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours."

"Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes", Thomas says as he stands behind his younger brother who is sat down at the table, "Is that it John?"

"Tommy", Pol says rather sharply, "It would be better to do this without you."

"Now what's your point?", Polly says to John, Thomas letting out a rather loud sigh as he rolls his eyes.

"What the kids need is a mother", John replies, "So that's why I'm getting married."

"That's lovely!", Elizabeth says cheerfully, John giving her a smile back.

Not even half a second goes by when the golden haired girl realizes she is the only person in the room who seemed to be happy about John's announcement, as the rest of the room remains silent. "Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her? Or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?", Polly asks.

"I already proposed and she said yes", John assures.

"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang", Thomas says with a fresh cigarette hanging from his lips.

"It's uh...", John trails off, "It's Lizzie Stark."

Immediately the three begin laughing, not so subtly. Elizabeth look around the room, a little confused as she clearly isn't in the loop of Lizzie Stark and why it would be a laughing matter.

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