Chapter 12

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"You won't find anything on there, Ian's somehow blocked related to me and the guys, all you'll find is pictures of the color silver and websites with the word silver in them." He says as he leans against my wall. I'm pretty sure he's stalking me, but I don't think a stalker would save me. I shut my laptop and turn to face him fully.

"If you wanted to know anything you could've asked me, doesn't mean I'll give you an answer but you could've." He says walking over to my bed and plops down with his arms behind his head. I have to admit even though I don't know him all that well he has that sort of laid back vibe and I like that.

"What's the point of asking if you won't give me an answer?" I question, I've already thought of talking to him before and decided that he most likely won't give me a answer so I would have to get the information myself.

"Someday Grace, you'll ask me and I'll give you a answer but not today." He says.

"Lets play a game!" I say cheerfully, with a brilliant idea in my head.

"What game?" He asks skeptically.

"I'll ask you a question and then you ask me a question, a question for a question. Pleasssseeeee?" I say drawling out the word 'please'.

"Fine" he says sounding tired.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask starting off easy.

"Silver," He replies bored

"Your turn"

"What's yours?" He asks me with a small sigh.


"What's your favorite ani-..." I start to ask after a minute but soon realize Silver fell asleep. I put a blanket over him and go to get ready for bed. I take a shower and change into what I normally wear for bed a pair of boy-shorts and a oversized shirt. I brush my teeth and hair then walk back into my room. I find Silver sleeping peacefully there so I turn around to go sleep on the couch downstairs.

I fall asleep many minutes later only to be lifted off the couch and put back into my bed with a heavy arm over my stomach. I open my eyes partly and turn around to come face with a pillow so I hug it. The pillow moves me closer to it so I pause and go back to sleep thinking it was only my imagination.

•••••••••••••••••7:53 A.M.•••••••••••••••

I wake up from a nightmare. taking a deep breath and fall back onto my empty bed. Wait bed? I thought I went to sleep in the couch. I wipe my hands over my sweat filled face and take another deep breath reminding myself that it was just a nightmare. I get up and start to get ready for the day.

When I'm done I walk back into my room and pull out my phone to text Owen, just to annoy him.

Hey, I'm boreeeedddd

I sit on my bed staring at my phone waiting for a reply. After about five minutes of waiting I go down stairs to get something to eat. I search the fridge but come up with nothing. I want to go out for breakfast but I can't drive. Remembering Owen can drive I run upstairs to check if he has texted back. He hasn't so I call him,


He doesn't pick up so I call him agin. On the second ring he picks up.

"Who the fuck is calling me this early in the morning, somebody better have died." His tired grumpy voice comes through my speaker.

"Uh... nobody died but I want to go out for breakfast and I sorta can't drive." I say awkwardly

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