60 3 1

Tw: blood, gun violence, fighting
Italics are lyrics for a song

The tiny speck of what looked like Billy started running towards us. "Y'all won't believe this, but before we left, I heard that Lori here is one of them homosexuals?" The boys laugh it off as I stare like a hawk at this growing image.

"Guys, one, I'm not homosexual and two pay attention to the damn building!" I catch them off guard scrambling to find a position watching, waiting at least for something until the speck arrives.

the roar of guns follows him as he jumps on the horse riding skinning out.

I must be dreaming those cowards even though I'm the last to leave makes it seem like it was the counsel's above decided on it that I would be the first to go.
I ready my gun, loading it, aiming at the oncoming hoard of drunken men firing everything I got at them. Doc looks back  terrified that I'm going to get hit.

"Rori look your going to die!" He yells, trying to pull my horses and reigns forward towards him as he urges his horse Nightmare to move forward, trying to catch up either with the group or out of line of death.
"Doc, what are you doing! I got this. We have a warrant for those boys, let them eat my lead!"

My horse propelled forward catching up to its sister Nightmare as we advanced forward never looking back I feel a slight ever growing pain in my left side but I don't want to worry Josiah about this he will want to look at it but I do not want to be sent home.

When we catch up to the group, I'm again giving looks of mistrust and of no belonging in this group.

"You good for nothing son of a bitch! Rori, you could have been killed or injured. What in the name of Sam Hill were you thinking!"
I avoid people who yell like this, especially if it's someone I know.

Brewer slaps me, unaware that the group watched him do it. "I knew this was a bad mistake letting you join us. Wasn't I right, Doc, wasn't I!"

He looks back to me, saying the cruelest thing he could ever say to a woman of high society.

"Go home and try to find a rich husband. Even though someone as dumb as you could never find one." 

I get off my horse, and he gets off his and stares me right in the eye unaware of my bloody hand going across his face and tackled him to the ground pulling hair, skin, shirt whatever I could grasp before he and I started to fist eachother.

Before we knew it, he punched me on my left side, where I had gotten shot and made a muffled noise concealing the pain. Doc and Chavez break us up me with Chavez and Brewer with Doc.

Chavez pulled me up and noticed my hands how red they were and grabbed my hand forcefully.

"Hey! Let go of my hand you you ass!" I squirmed, trying to free my left hand from him.

"Wait a minute, princess, all this red didn't come from him, did it? No, you're hiding something, aren't you." 

I glared at him until without permission. He took off my jacket and vest to reveal I was, in fact, bleeding and in a lot of damn pain from it. 

"Well then how about we all just leave for the next town. I'm starving how about Y'all?"
Trying to make them think of lunch to only see Bowdre and Steve stare at me in horror while Doc looked down upset no doubt about it he wished it was him.

Everyone's in silence as I sit down on the ground. Breathing hurts more then childbirth but how should I know I don't have kids.

[Did you ever hear about the girl who was frozen time went on for everybody else and she won't know it]

Doc lowers down to my level and asks to see the wound hoping he could try to fix it unlike anything else I might as well die here in the somewhat warm part of New Mexico surrounded by a bunch of assholes

Running Straight Into His Arms [Youngguns fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora