
Bolin walks up to Mako pulling each other in a hug. "Love you, little bro."

Gommu sniffles and cries at the scene. "Love you back, big bro." He walks up to Korra, who is standing next to Naga.

"Korra, Amon is a nasty dude. Be careful."

"I will." She hugs Bolin. "Good luck. If you're going into the mountains, you should bring Naga."

"Aren't you going to say your goodbyes?" Iroh perked up a conversation as I lightly shook my head seeing Asami kissing Mako's cheek.

"I don't see this as a goodbye. More like will see each other later." I softly smiled at him as Asmai ran up to us.

"Ready?" She nods her head as I board Naga sitting in between Iroh and Asami. I turned my head around to see Mako staring back at me but quickly looked away.

I guess this is our goodbye...

"Good fortune and success to you, valiant heroes."


Bolin, Asami, Iroh, and I riding on Naga in a snowy region. As I stare back up at the sky as the biplanes fly above us.

"I think we've found our secret airfield. Once we get down there, I need you to tear up those runways. We can't let those aircraft take off." I jumped off Naga slowly walking toward the base.

Bolin salutes at him "Aye aye, captain!" Standing up straight and hurriedly does another salute.

"Ooh, general, general." I lightly shake my head as we approach the equalist base but seems to lack a perimeter fence; there are posts but no wires.

"Why would there be fence posts but no fence?"

A sharp blow of electricity runs throughout my body as I feel my eyes becoming heavy...



Ughh where are we? I blink my eyes as I feel a tight sensation wrapped around my lower body.

I slightly turn my head to see Asami lying in her cell. Iroh and Bolin are tied back-to-back.

Asami stirs and sits up staring back at her father. "Asami, I know I have hurt you ... and I am sorry. But I believe that one day, you will come to your senses, and we can be a family again."

"Are you insane?! How can we be a family after everything you've done?! Mom would hate you for what you've become." She yelled back at him as he banged against the metal bars.

"How dare you? I am avenging her death!"

An equalist approaches him "The airplanes are ready for take-off, sir."

"Good, annihilate the fleet."
Iroh and Bolin gasp and share a look of confusion and shock.



"That's right, general. I intercepted your message to Commander Bumi. I know exactly where they're hiding." Iroh glares at Hiroshi as I shake my head.

"Hope you can understand one day y/n." I glare back at him as he walks out of the room.

"We can't let him bomb my father's fleet!"

Iroh slightly turned his head at Bolin. "I don't suppose you know how to metal bend?"

"That is a negative, Sir."

A sound of running, and the warehouse door explodes inward as Naga comes charging in..

"Naga! Over here!"

Naga breaks the jail door with her front paws, and Pabu climbs onto Bolin's lap.

"Who needs a metalbender? We got Naga! Yeah!" He exclaims on top of his lungs.

As Bolin and Iroh break free from the rope. Bolin unwraps the rope around me as I stretch my arms a bit.


"C'mon we have to stop Amon!" Iroh stood by the doorway as I nod my head. We run down a metal hallway ending up in a large garage leading toward the runways of the aircraft.

"I'm going after those airplanes." Iron runs towards the runways of the aircraft.

"I'm coming with you." Iroh manages to board one of the planes throwing the pilot off and steers the plane on his own.

He held his arm out pulling me inside the plane with him.

"This will be interesting story to tell your grandparents."

//The Fire Nation's Jewel// Mako x Reader x General Iroh {1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora