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7:00 AM
I wake up in my bedroom. Who put me here? John? I looked at the clock. 7:03. Hmmm. I slept for a longer amount of time I guess. John walks into my room. "Ohh h-hey." John says. "I...carried you to your room. Hope that was okay...." I ask him where Owen is. "He's resting in my room." John says. We go to the food bar (IDK WHAT TO CALL IT) and get some breakfast. I wait for Nancy. She isn't waiting for me. I go over to Mouse and ask her Nancy's last name. "Lionheart." Mouse mutters. I go up to John's room and look at the 'missing people' posters.
Amy Lionheart- 30, female, has 4 kids
Delilah Lionheart-14 years old, female
Gerald Lionheart-4 years old, male
Mary Lionheart- 8 years old, female
All Lionhearts! I flip to WHEN these people had disappeared.
Amy- disappeared 6 months ago
Amy was Nancy's mother! All this time Nancy had been lying about her parents being here! Where was Nancy? I went to John to ask him about it. "Nope, haven't seen Nancy anywhere." John said. We went go look for her.
We looked everywhere. Nancy was nowhere to be found. We then went up to her room. We went inside. There were spots on the wall and on the floor that looked that they had been cleaned. Not the entire room, just those spots. John walked into the bathroom. I looked around the place again. All her toys were still there...odd. So she hadn't left the place. Not like she could leave. Nancy was only 7, according to Mouse. "[your name]!!!" John yelled. "Come look at this right now!" I ran into the bathroom. On the counter was blood stains all over the sink. It was horrifying.

I was frozen

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I was frozen. I couldn't move or think or talk. John looked like he felt the same. We looked at each other, saying nothing for a solid minute. I looked back at the bloody sink. Handprints and some blood on the floor. Nancy hadn't gone down without a fight, I was sure of it. "I think I know what happened to Nancy, [your name]" John says. I do as well. "So now you can't deny it, [your name], it WAS the manager." I nod. Then I realize something. "So that means Manager kills the guests, and Raven cleans up the evidence." I say. That explains the stains on Raven's hands. And why every employee wears gloves. "We have to go confront Bunny again. She's the only who wouldn't turn us in. I think." John says. "Your right." I say. We go to find Bunny resting near the elevator, looking around nervously as if something had happened. And we know exactly what happened. She spots us and starts to back up, as if knowing what we're going to do to her. "Bunny..." John growls. "Get over here." We take her back to room 23. "Explain! Now!" John yells. Bunny stares at the blood in shock. She doesn't say anything for a long time. "Last night..." she whispers. "She was killed last night... the manager is looking for Owen...they're onto you guys..." me and John stare at each other for a long time. Nobody says anything for a few minutes. Then we hear footsteps. "Bunny...John...[your name]...I know you all are in there...come out...NOW!!!" It's Raven! "Quick guys, hide in the shower and I'll cover with the curtains." Bunny says. Me and John jump in the shower together, trying not to make a sound. Raven approach's the room. "I KNOW YOU ALL ARE IN HERE!!! I SAW YOU ALL COME IN HERE TOGETHER!!!" Raven shouts. Bunny runs out of the bathroom. "Others? I have no idea what you're talking about Raven. Oh yeah! John and [your name]! I killed them, see? I. Even have proof I killed them." Bunny rambles. She shows Raven the blood on the sink. Raven looks at it for a moment. Me and John huddle closer together, both wondering what's going to happen if Raven sees us.
Raven left, telling Bunny that she did good work 'killing' us. "It's safe to come out now." Bunny whisper's. "Raven's gone." We get out of the shower. "I'll go check on Owen, you guys stay hidden for a little bit. Raven might take the manager to check out the scene. Hey John, act dead! Maybe put some of that blood on yourself, make it look convincing." I say, creeping out of the room. I slink into John's room, closing the door. Owen is limping in circles, trying to gain balance again. He can speak normally now. I have no idea what kind of magic was in the those pills, but it gave Owen some life again. "Owen." I say. "We have to escape this place. The manager and Raven are looking for you, and they think me and John are dead! So we have to get out of h-"
I get interrupted by the manager applauding Bunny.
~John's pov brought to you by Nancy's ghost~

I lay on the floor, close my eyes, and hold my breath. Manger and Raven and Bunny are standing above me. "Great job Bunny! Now I don't have to go through all the work of killing the two myself!" Manager says. "We should clean this up and dispose his body. Other guests could see this and call the cops. I'll go get my cleaning supplies." Raven says. My heart starts to race. Raven is going to WHAT? I open one eye a little bit. Bunny looks just as panicked. "Well manager, maybe go with Raven! She's more fun then staring at a- dead body right? Yeah!" Bunny says with a nervous laugh. "Alright!" Manger says, getting out of the room. "We have to go. QUICKLY." I say, shooting up like a rocket. I hear two sets of footsteps. My heart stops. We're dead. We're SO dead!!! But then... "John? Bunny? It's us! [your name] and Owen! Come on! Let's go I have all our stuff let's get out of here!" [your name] calls from the doorway. Raven and Manager could arrive any minute now. The four of us run down the hall. "There's a secret elevator all the way down here!" Bunny says, pointing ahead. We race to it. I hear a ding. It's manager and Raven! We rush into the elevator. "Stand back." Bunny says. She presses buttons in the pattern: 7053
[your name] and I stare at the buttons in shock as they all start to light up in orange. The elevator jolts upwards. I yelp in surprise. "Where are we going?" [your name] asks. "To the roof" Bunny says. "We can escape from there." Owen looks sick. [your name] is the first to notice. "Owen are you okay?" They ask. Owen nods, but he looks like he's about to throw up. We reach the roof. We all run out. "So where do we go from here?" I ask Bunny. "Now we take the emergency stairs down to the back of the mail place, slip past Jaguar, and finally get out of this torture chamber!" Bunny says.
~your pov once again~
We get up to the roof. And someone is already there, almost waiting for us. They had short white hair, a long gray dress, but their eyes were completely gray with no pupils visible. "Uhhhh, hello?" Bunny says, staring at them. They don't speak. They just look at us, then point to John. "Why are they pointing at you?" You ask John. John shrugs. "Do we try to get past them? or-"
Bunny starts, but the girl just evaporates into mist. "WHAT THE-" You exclaim, staring at the place where they used to be. "Am I just dreaming? Did that really happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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