"He hasn't been roped up into anything, now, go away." He said turning away from the door with his laptop, "I'm busy."

"Where are your manners? Do I need to teach you some?" He says as he stormed into the room to stand in front of the boy on the bed.

Aemond took note of his Nephew's posture, he was sulking, he looked very sad and frustrated, but his eyes looked as though he were in a daze. He thought for a moment, a little moment but shook his head. "Aegon is very protective of you, one little negative comment made about you and he's already defending you. What have you done, hm?"

"Absolutely nothing." He mutters before turning his laptop around and randomly asks Aemond, "does that look like a good power-point because I'm fed up with making them at this point."

Aemond was so very confused, his Nephew hadn't even listened to a single word he'd said. He took a look at the laptop and shrugged, "yes, now stop changing the subject." He huffs, his eye caught the bear that sat hidden under the quilt.

"But I'm trying to work!" He whines, "as soon as I get this done I'll argue with you!" He says as he taps his keyboard aggressively.

"I don't want an argument, you little shit, I want to know why my brother has a change of heart for you." He mutters, his eye still on the bear that had something tied around it, it was the only bear he had in his room, but the thing that got to him was, that he'd seen that same bear before, the one from this shop. The bear had a pacifier tied around it, but he hadn't seen the pacifier yet, he glanced at Lucerys once more and noticed how he bit on his thumb.

"Perhaps, Aegon and I see eye to eye." Lucerys smirks while typing his last title out.

Aemond snapped out of his staring and glared at the boy who was looking up at him with his doe eyes, and smirked, "sorry, Uncle. That was rude of me."

"I'll be keeping a close eye on you, Luke." He mumbles before leaving the room, Lucerys just shrugs his shoulders before placing his laptop down and wrapping himself up in his blankets, he held the bear close to him and closes his eyes.


The next day, school was the same except he and Callum met at the school's library to do the rest of their project. Neither of them talked, but gave instructions then and there whenever they needed it, but both didn't dare look at one another.

Lucerys held his backpack between his legs as they shook with nerves, he glanced around a couple of times to see if Udda or any of the boys friends were watching them ready to attack him, but they'd been silent. Lucerys wondered if Callum had spoken to them about this whole situation.

Sure, he'd gotten glances from his tormentors. They weren't by his locker this morning either, sure they did whisper his name a couple of times, but as soon as the boy across from him came in they became quiet. So, surely he must have said something.

His eyes met Callum's for a while, but they both quickly looked away from one another. His thoughts wondered off to last night, his brother had come up the stairs and gotten a fright when he noticed Lucerys on the bed, waking him up from his slumber. He then got into trouble by his Mother for not saying anything or coming in and saying hello to everyone.

Lucerys wished he could just shout at everyone of his family members about how he felt like he didn't belong, but like always kept his mouth shut and told himself to stop being selfish. He honestly couldn't wait for his birthday to come and find an apartment of his own and do things for himself, sure he'd keep in contact with them, but he wouldn't always be near them.

Back to the present, Callum got his attention and asked if the essay was good, Lucerys took the opportunity to grab the laptop and just scroll through it. "It sounds good," he nods. "I would add suicide next to self-harm since it can cause both and add to prevent it we tell someone or something, Y'know?" He says as he hands back the laptop, Callum nods sending him a half smile before typing furiously on the laptop.

Lucerys had began to create some of the power-point after reading the essay that the boy wrote. He added some of his own problems into the power-point, he added how bad it got for him, but left himself from the task, he just added the parts of the problem for him.

He flinched in fright when the sound of the shrill bell rang through the halls that were quickly filled with students. He watched Callum pack up his things before sparing him a glance and then quickly leaving, Lucerys rolls his eyes and grabbed his stuff before going to his math class.

He ignored everyone and through himself into his chair, he scrolled through his Instagram, he didn't have any mean messages, but his favourite little account had updated. It made him think on doing his own little account, but he wasn't so sure, he would think about it.

Lucerys sets down his phone as his teacher strolls in, briefcase in hand as he tries to look intimidating, he sends Lucerys a wink before asking everyone for their phones. The boy sat quietly in his seat just waiting for his time to be up and so that he could quickly leave in peace without getting into bother in something.


so, it turns out I have
an anxiety disorder!

I try hard to update and I'm sorry
if updates are extremely slow! I've
been trying to work with myself and
write my books as it takes my mind from
things and I'm very happy you're all
here and give me amazing comments!

vote, comment & take care of yourself!

his little doe eyed boy ❐ lucemond agereWhere stories live. Discover now