Keef's Prologue

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I wish I could tell y'all about the party, but I didn't know anybody back then. Adriana and my baby girl Karma are my everything. That's all you need to know about my family ,right now. I'm sure you want to know all about the Red Dimez. I'll tell you, just don't tell anyone else,or we'll be coming for your head, before they catch ours.

The Red Dimez's territory reaches almost all over LA, except for the South Side. It's all good, 'cause we're rolling out tonight to claim that shit tonight from SoufSquad.

Their name is so stupid, Why isn't it SouthSquad? What is the point-- Never mind. Anyway, to gain that territory, we have to either kill them all, or enough to make the rest flee the city. We already know their "Headquarters" are in the old Johnson's Abandoned Warehouse.They chose a pretty Good spot, since that was our second choice. We have a Trap House, but we call it the Dime House , or DH for short.

Yeah Yeah, I know,a Tap house is a place where drugs are made/sold... Exactly. Red Dimez is also a Drug-Gang, if That's what you wanna call it. It's a part time job,but we still make A MAD amount of Money. When we say "They ",we mean the people Who are constantly watching us for our Boss. The big guys. Their names are not to be said, because they will know we snitch. We are to refer to them as They or Boss. Boss keeps track of our sales and the amount of product we have at the end of the week. If we ever come up Short,That's our asses... We haven't come up short yet, Thank God. We've heard stories of people Who came up short, and they are No longer.

Anyway, Let's roll out, my Nigga!



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