Chapter 3: The Request

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'Thinking '

"Character pov talking "

( me talking)

Julian pov

"It's been a month since me and Zayne returned home. Things are going well. I work with our friend Seraphine at a Cafe she works at I enjoy it Zayne on the other hand didn't like the idea, and chose to find something else. He told us after he got hired what he is going to do. Let's say I was less than pleased"

Narrator pov

1 week an 4 days ago

We find our two Hunters at Seraphine's apartment in the front room talking. The shorter Hunter very agitated.

Julian: * looks at Zayne * you want to explain why your taking this kind of job.

Zayne: what is there to explain Julian.

Julian: a lot Zayne. We are no longer connected to the Hunters Dream, meaning if you die that's it your gone.

Zayne: *scoffs*

Julian: And what if you go blood drunk. Again

Zayne:* looks him dead in the eyes *Do not go there Julian. Have you no faith that I can keep myself from being intoxicated by the blood.

Julian: No it's not that it's just...

Zayne: It's what Julian.

Julian: I don't know.

Zayne: Were Hunters Julian. We can't simply go back to a normal life.

Julian: I know. * sighs* I can't stop you from taking this job. Just promise me something.

Zayne: of course old friend.

Julian: * stands up * promise me that you'll come back after every hunt , and you won't let the blood intoxicate you.

Zayne: * stands up and hugs him* I promise brother.

Julian: *hugs back* thank you.

The Hunters let go of each other after a moment and smile when they hear the front door open revealing Seraphine.

Seraphine: Hey guys is everything ok.

Zayne: everything is fine.

Julian pov

" Zayne and I explained the job he would be doing. She was against it afraid of losing him again, but after she made him promise to come home in one piece after each target was brought to justice she was okay with it. After that we had a group hug all three of us. It was nice"

Narrator pov

Present day

We see the shorter Hunter in his Cafe uniform behind the counter tending to a customer.

Julian: that'll be 3.56 sir.

Customer: * swipes card on card machine *

Julian: * hands him receipt* have a good day sir.

Customer: * takes receipt * thanks man. * leaves*

Seraphine:* walks up to Julian * hey.

Julian: What's up.

Seraphine: we got a customer that requested you sing a country song.

Julian: really who.

Seraphine points towards the front of the Cafe were a woman wearing a hoodie and mask is sitting. The woman then nods her head.

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