Bio 3

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Name: Azreal Amon

Age: 16 at the start,17 by the Star Awards Festival, and 18 by the time of the Spade Kingdom Invasion.

Height: 5'10


Magic Knights: Black Bulls

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Magic Knights: Black Bulls

Magic: Matter Magic

Clovers on the book: 3

The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize matter, either magically manipulating it or using it to cast spells.

A few spells

Ripping thrust: creates a domain and thrust in a the directions of the opponent and leaves a giant hole where ever the attack went.

Full moon: starts gathering rocks from small to boulders into the sky in the form of a meteor or small moon.

Lapras rain: All nearby gems, stones, rocks and anything with earth gathers in the sky spread around along with blue gems that eventually rain down like a azure rain

Great spiral: it's a black rasen-shuriken but alot better

Black sun: literally a black sun that gets bigger and bigger until boom

White hot hatred of a burning sun: is a super massive white star takes about 2-5 to create and charge and is only used as a last resort since it takes about 80% of the users mana.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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