Arnav : If you have came here to justify your mother's deed I will suggest you better carry your luggage and get away along with your mother .  
Khushi gasped loud hearing his words before her eyes fell on her little toddler who is right now sitting on the bed being busied with her blocks ...  she havd understand that her father is not in the right mood ..
khushi : Arnav ..  ( She walked toward him but before she could say further Arnav hold her by her forearm pinnjng her to the near by wall )
Arnav : Problem kya hai tumhare maa ko merese aur mere beti se ... ( what does problem she have with  me and my daughter ) if she is so much concerned about you . I will suggest you can walk away . I never hold you..... But Meri Beti kahi nahi jayegi ..
Khushi : I know she is wrong ..  I am not supporting her either ..she have not only insulted you but me as well .. do you know how I feel there ? ... How can you say me to walk away ? Am I mean nothing to you .  ( she gulps the lump forming inside her throat ) I don't know how to meet your eyes .... Ashi is my daughter too do you think I feel overwhelmed knowing the thought she have for our daughter .. You havd rights to be angry but what I do in this .. Arnav please .. Don't turn away your face from me..Please Is our love meant nothing to you ..... Am I mean nothing to you .. ( She gulped before Arnav shrugged her away )
Arnav : Please leave Khushi .. I will talk to you later .. Check on your mother whether she needs something or not ..or better see if she has already reached the police station to lodge a complain against me ...
By stating Arnav just sat on the recliner and opening his laptop he started working
Khushi let out a sigh dropping a message to Niddhi who just informed about the progress  that have been made to the case .. She needs  to be in Taaza News by 6 in the evening ..
The news of Bhupen Patel trying to threat Taaza TV has make the  Headline ...and Khushi is required to cover the News ...
She walked downstairs instructing the maid wheb her eyes fell on Garima who is now sitting on the couch of living room ..
She decides to ignore her She have better things to do rather than involving herself in the argument .. 
She  instructed the maid regarding the dinner ...
Khushi : I might be late .. Arnav is there with Ashi ..please check on them what they requires in the evening snack ...
She said walking away when Garima stopped her ...
Garima : Where are you going Khushi ..
Khushi let out a sigh , and decides to reply rather than dragging the matter
Khushi : I have a Time Slot in the studio .. going to head that ..
Garima : Stop involving yourself in all these .... It will be for good ..
Khushi : I know my role ..  You don't need to worry .. and Yes If you want you can leave the place .  I will ask the driver to drop you at your old home ...
She replied bluntly, before she walks away ..
Khushi wipes the corner of her eyes .. Her profession doesn't allow her to shed tears .. She required to be strong enough ...
Khushi just  composed herself  looking at Niddhi who came to call her ...
"Bhushan Patel who is a well known personality in the political world seems have more interested in the Rape Case of  Anjali Raizada "
" The video clips have been recorded in our studio camera when he cames to threat the Reporters for showing interest in the case "
The bulletin goes on along with  the video clips that keep on playing behind ...
Khushi looked at Niddhi who  both are sitting on the chair before Niddhi plays the photo of Anjali in background
Khushi  : What is behind this Anjali Raizada's case ?  What we have fetch years back was really truth ? Or we have been shown what we are asked to be showed ... Bhusan Patel sudden threats have raised doubts on you as well as it have raised on us .. But I Reporter Khushi Gupta assures you to deliver the truth in your door ways ..
Khushi  : There are lot of Anjali's roaming around there who have to loose infront of the Power .... we need to stop from making more Anjali in the society .  we need your support as well ... #Justice For  Anjali .... she said placing her palm on her chest  as she stood up from her seat ...
It started bulleting on the screen with Anjali's photo with # Justice for Anjali ...
The shot was cut, before Khushi walked out dictating Niddhi
Khushi : Niddhi  I want you to start with # Justice for Anjali to lit the fire in everyone's heart ... This time the truth needs to come out .. You know what to do in social media . Use her photo and drag their attention .... Public has much power to change the system
She blurts out before her eyes fell on the employees who have been busy in attending calls from different sources since the time the news goes on Air..
Khushi glanced at Kundra who ends up the call and look up at Khushi ...
Kundra : Threats ... Day after tomorrow is the first hearing right ... ? What is the preparation ...
Khushi : We are trying Kundra ...
Kundra stood up from the seat ...
Kundra : When I have allowed you for taking this case in your hand .. I never thought it would be such interesting .. Khushi When this incident happened that time I have just started Taaza Tv ....The case was always out of media's reach ...The things were smooth and blunt then .. Anjali Raizada was never being a victim ..She was been tamed by her own brother who used her for his own benefits and later he only killed her and her mother when he finds no of use of them ..
Khushi : Do you really think .. A brother can stoop so low that he won't hesitate raping his own sister ? ( she sighed ) He was an IPS Officer ..  And as much I have heard He was being awarded in the time ...
Kundra : It was said it was the glorious time of  the city when ACP Arnav Singh Raizada was on duty .. Crime would hardly be around during his supervision then ... It all happened in a que ...
Kundra looked straight in Khushi's eyes before he sighed
Kundra: I have met him once or twice. I was a junior journalist that time...and as much I have known him .. I don't think ACP Saheb can stoop so low ... I agree to you because I also feel there is more to this story ..  Sometimes It's not always about TRPs Khushi .  it is sometines avout the oath we have taken .. I had done few research that time but then It was of no use as I was not permitted to dug more to this case being the junior one ...  I was also there innthe court room where Anjali Raizada was been humiliated and I have seen the pain in her brother's eyes .. and the truth in her eyes ... Khushi I had a case study on it then but never knew it could help you Now .... let's bring justice to the unserved .. Let's see who can stop you ... You will get all the support you required
Khushi : Thank you so much Kundra ..
Kundra nodded smiling before Khushi left as he sighed rolling his eyes before disconnecting the landline which keep on buzzing .. 
Kundra : Let's do it Kundra .. It's not about TRP always ..
Khushi : We will be going to the place Anjali and her family resides tomorrow and will try to know about them ..May be it can help us ... What about the social media ..
Niddhi : KG people are reacting ...  Specially the feminist and the young troups they are believing the truth of Anjali . There are people who are against Anjali Majority is with us ( Niddhi  shows her tabloid and khushi sigh)
# Justice for Anjali is working
Khushi throws her bag on the bed only to find her husband busy in making Ashi do her homework .. She receives the call as it starts ringing
Khushi : Hello
" What you have thought can go to any extent and we will sit silent "
She recognized the voice ..
Khushi : Bhushan Patel ( Arnav get alert as he walked down of the bed and reached to her ...Gesturing her to put the call on loud speaker she speaks ) why are you calling me ?
Bhushan : You didn't do it right ... Hope you can able to take what is coming to your way .. Mein toh barbaad ho hi gaya hoon tum bhi abaad nahi rahoge ..( the phone got disconnected as Arnav clenched his fist cursing making Khushi sighed hard)
To be contd

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