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"Okay so you guys can dish as much as you want, there is enough, feel free." Jasmine said as everyone was seated at the dinner table with plates and glasses in front of them.

"Sit yo hungry ass down, she need to take first." Bunny mugged Durk who immediately reached over to the pot of lamb chops.

"Damn man relax." Durk said mugging him back as Bryson and India laughed at the two.

"It's o-"

"It's not, what you want?" He questioned cutting Blossom off as he picked up her plate.

"Give her everything, she know how to eat." Jasmine said making Blossom cover her face in embarrassment.

"You want everything?" Bunny questioned for clarification.

Blossom nodded her head as he removed her hands from her face.

"Don't be embarrassed for that aight?" He said standing up to dish for her.

"Okay." She said smiling as Jasmine passed her a glass of grape juice.

"Here." Von said placing down the plate filled with food.

"Thank you Bunny." She said picking up the fork that was laid out in front of her.

After everyone's plate was dished, Jasmine decided to spark up a conversation.

"So may I get your names?" She questioned the three.

"I'm Durk, that's Von and that's his girl Asian." Durk introduced pointing at each of them.

"Von." Blossom said.

"Mm hm, don't call me that." He said looking down at her.

"Rabbit." Durk chuckled.

"No Bunny." Blossom said mugging him.

"Aight relax, just making jokes." Durk said raising his hands in surrender.

"Jokes are funny." She said causing him to act hurt.

"Okay so tell me, how long have you guys been dating?" Jasmine asked Von and Asian.

"A year." Asian answered.

"Where you from, you have an accent." Jas questioned.

"Texas." Asian answered dryly.

"You dry as hell." Bryson told her shaking his head.

"Not the only thing that's dry." Durk mumbled causing Blossom to giggle.

"Maybe you little bit funny." She said smiling at him.

"Mane how you understand me, what you be doing?" He questioned squinting his eyes at her.

"What you say?" Von questioned.

"Nun, don't worry." Durk said waving him off.

"What he say ma?" Von asked Blossom.

"Nun, don't worry." She said copying Durk.

"You see what you doing." He said pointing at Durk.

"He not doing nothing, shh." Blossom said covering his mouth.

"You can be lucky this luh girl saving you." Von said shaking his head.

"Cause that's my best friend ain't it?" Durk said smiling at her.

"Don't agree with him, other wise I ain't gonna talk to you no more." Von said knowing she wouldn't want that.

Blossom gasped, looking up at the male with her mouth parted.

"You are mean." She said poking his arm.

"and strong." she added feeling his muscles.

Von smirked at Durk, causing Durk to shake his head while giving Von a serious look.

Not one of the others noticed as they were too busy laughing at Blossoms actions.

No one is prepared for whats to come.

But...will Durk be able to prevent it?

Or will he allow his best friend to ruin another family?

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