[A Rough Start.] {1}

Start from the beginning

[? ? ?'s POV]

'My arm, my hat, rust? Come on, its easy!' I was kind of rooting for him, this was classic symptoms for derealization now that I'm beginning to realize.. how fun..~-

"Rust!" He muttered, taking off a glove to poke a small bit of rust on the same metal piece he had touched before as his eyes darted around. My eyes shifted slightly to watch him slowly shuffle around, makes me wonder what he was seeing.. Yet again, I spoke to guide the short man yet again.

[END OF ? ? ?'s POV.]

"Good.. Good. Now 2?" It spoke again, seemingly proud. 

I glance around, before my eyes landed on a pair of glowing blue ones.. Carefully I approached, my shaking hand touching the figures' shoulder. "Shoulder." I stated, now more calm then before. "Clever, now what's the last one?" The bears' mouth moved as if it was the one really saying these things, however, I knew that it was all in my head though. "U-Um.. Oh, hand." You smiled, touching its hand.. I waited for a moment, waiting for it to speak again.. Only to find myself standing back up and looking around the, now no longer melty, scrap yard. Slowly, my gaze drifted towards the bear, "Yeah, you're comin' with me." I joked, although I did mean it completely. "Let's get you to the house then buddy." I chuckled, fixing the bear down to a wheely('the thing you see moving heavy boxes') in order to not throw out your fucking back trying to drag its' ass allll the way back to the house.

"Come on then, giant worn out bear thing..." I huffed, carting it off towards the house.

[Timeskip again!]

Gently I shuffled the bear inside, though, getting it through the door proved to be a formidable task.

Nevertheless, I managed to get him-IT inside with... minimal damages.... Gently, I untied the machine, leaving it leaned against the counters' back walling. "There we go! And I am- fucking exhausted.." I muttered, glancing over at the white and pink bear tiredly. "Welp buddy, I'm gonna take a long ass nap.. Don't do any spooky shit... kay?" I stared it down before heading to the living room futon and plopping down onto the somewhat soft 'couch bed' thingy..

"Too damn tired to try and go to my room... bed-couch will be fine." I rambled before finally passing out.

[? ? ?'s POV]

"...See you tomorrow, fresh meat. Tomorrow is another day...~" I grinned, turning my head over to look at him before 'falling asleep' as well.

[END OF ? ? ?'s POV..]

{The Next Day..}






BEee- c r u n c h..

I jolted awake at the sounds of something mechanical being crushed like it was nothing.. Quickly, I sat up, glancing around as my heart began pounding. Finally, my eyes laid upon the culprit, the bear I had taken from the scrap yard just yesterday, with a cheap broken alarm clock in its' tightly closed hand. "Oh...-" I mumbled, about to go back to sleep when I finally realized what I had just seen. I let out a choked scream, throwing myself to my feet in a attempt to run. However, the bear seemed to be MUCH faster then me somehow, quickly running at me and grabbing me into a firm restraint. "Now, Now.. I'm not gonna hurt'cha!" Its voice called out in a sing-song tone, however it didn't really convince me as I began to yell. "LET GO! nonono, I WILL FUCKING BITE YOU!" I yelled... all empty threats. Suddenly I felt its grip tighten, making me wince as it spoke, "Q u i e t." Its' voice turned annoyed fast, now a more hushed but deeper tone as it quickly covered your mouth. 'Shit, what the absolute FUCK is this!?' My mind began to race, however, I chose to fall silent. I could practically hear my heart pounding as my eyes made contact with its.. his? I wasn't sure, and I'd be damned if I was gonna ask.. 

"Good.. Good.. Now, I am going to let you go.. But if you keep screaming I will not hesitant to show you what I can do in just two seconds.." His expression was slightly sadistic, but the rest was unreadable.. Slowly he let me back down, making sure he had full control of the situation. My eyes would dart around as I backed up a bit to gain some distance, hoping to see any form of weapon that could work against a giant sadistic robot bear... "I wouldn't try it.. I may be rusted but I can still kill you in mere seconds if even TRY to make a B-line for.. lets see. The window, I could simply, follow you quickly to the open window.. TEAR YOU away after allowing you some false hope.. And then drown you in the sink, riiight there..~" He pointed over to the sink, a murderous glint in his eyes.. My heart thumped inside my chest quickly as I looked over at the sink as he began again with another possibility.. "Or, If instead you chose the front door.. I could catch you in a single s e c o n d, and then restrain you to the ground as I slowly tear off your arms, one at a time..~" He began to use his hand to tap his temple in thought. My eyes began to tear up in fear as my brain began to play both of the gruesome scenes out right in front of me.. "OKAY, OKAY! I ain't gonna tr-try anything!" My voice quivered, every bit of me showing my absolute terror.. And he was soaking in every. single. bit. 

"Good.. I am a bit disappointed that I don't get to hear you scream like that again.. But.. I don't go back on my word, so you get to stay... roughly untouched..~" He frowned, resting his arms back at his sides as he dramatically acted upset. 

"Okay um... Who.. are you?" I gained the courage to ask, looking into his blue eyes. "Please, call me Freddy.." He grabbed your hand, bowing like a 'gentleman' with a small grin. "And what is YOUR name then?~" His voice hummed out, his eyes glancing me over as if he was examining his newest victim.. 

"My name is [Y/N].." I tensed up at the contact, watching his every little movement..

"Hm.... '[Y/N]'... What a great name, perfect for my newest f r i e n d..~" His smile widened.

[end chapter 1]

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