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Those were the days of Pre-summer which is the last week of January and it was my 2nd time of being sick. Well this is a lot more bad that the last one. I haven’t been to school since Monday and its Friday today. And I’m not staying in my house for one more day even if my father was strongly against it; “You’ll get more sick dear, you aren’t completely healed.” he’d said. It’s not like I had any accident, then why does he make it sound like that? “I’ll be fine, trust your daughter at least once young man” I yell out from the porch  loud enough for him to hear it as I slip my shoes hurriedly and give him a goodbye hug when he’s on the door step, concern spread over his face. I feel better than yesterday so what’s the big deal I think and rush as I’m already late.

In the school, Atlas my classmate, my not-so-close-friend and the School Captain asked me in the class after the teacher left “Hey why didn’t you show up for so many days?”. He was one of the most quiet and innocent boy I knew who would be with a group of boys who were completely opposite of him. I never really understood how in the world did they even became friends with him but well that’s not my cup of tea. “Was badly sick I must say but well I made it here today”, I replied with a sweet smile because he looked a bit concerned for don’t know what reason, we weren’t that close for him to act like this after all. Weird.

It’s the next day, me back in my bed at 10 in the morning. ”Now you know the reason why this old man doesn’t trust you” yes my father said as he got me the pills. I roll my eyes over that comment. “Oh come on I didn’t say you were old I stated you as a young man remember”. “Shut up and did you just roll your eyes over me?”  “Sorry”, I scrunch my face and make it look like an ugly one as I swallow the bitter meds. My father let out a chuckle at the funny face of me. It hit me bad in the morning and my temperature rose at its best today.

Currently I’m sitting up here on the terrace as the sun is getting off work today. Meanwhile, look at me who just skipped her school even today. I am immersed in the ocean of my thoughts when I hear my father call out “Macy come downstairs we are heading to the hospital, get ready in 10” I sigh. Why do I have to fall sick so often?

While we’re sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for my blood reports to come. My overthinking father thought its better we do a whole CBSE test. That’s when he’ll release the breath his holding ever since morning. “The reports are all normal Tom there’s no need to worry about.” Dr.Beko who is my father’s friend since ages, smiles at him as his eyes moves from the reports to him. I see my father releasing that breath. I already knew it after all I know my body well enough to not know what’s going on it there.

“Hey dad how about we get a takeover, it’s late” I say hoping he’ll agree, if not I have my own ways. “No” he says without even thinking for a moment. “I already told the maids to not make the dinner for us.” He stops in his place and glares at me. I shrug and walk past him. “I promise I’ll eat the porridge too” I say as I slip in the car. While we both vibe on our favorite 90s songs I hear my phone screen lit as it’s kept in front, it’s a text message from someone. I hardly get any texts or calls apart from my mum and dad. I do have friends but we usually see each other during the school. Maybe Joy, one of my best friend must’ve texted me as I didn’t go to school today. I scroll down through my phone and see that its Atlas who’d messaged me.
Atlas: Hey
I doubt why would he text me out of the blue. Maybe he sent it to me accidently I thought and put my phone back in my pocket as we reached the destination.
“Who was the boy?” I hear my father say as we . “Oh he’s Atlas the school captain, remember I told you a few weeks ago when the school Captains were announced.” “Oh yeah I remember Atlas Vandiver, smart guy. You should talk to him someday”, he says and I nod and we order our food. I can see where my father’s thoughts are going so I change the topic.

I’m about to go to bed when my father comes and have a seat beside me on the bed. “Did you take your pills”. I nod. “Did you call your mom? She told me she wanted to talk to you”. I nod, “I felt it and even talked to her in the afternoon, she says she is feeling better but I know she’s not. I could hear the pain in her voice. She’s suffering so much.” I say as I take the thread in my fingers that’s sticking out of the duvet. “I know dear I can feel it too. We are trying our best. Just have faith in god and everything will be alright.” He places his hands on mine and gives them a little squeeze. I let out a small chuckle and shift my eyes to meet his. “Nothing will be alright if you keep faith in something you don’t even know exist on this world.” I don’t want to have this conversation anymore. I feel sick. And he understood I don’t want to talk over this. “Alright, its late I think you should sleep. I told your teacher Mrs…Noelle yes Mrs.Noelle that you won’t be attending school for few more days and she said in that Irish accent of hers ‘Oh shore Mr.Verlin, I hope Michael gets betr suun’.” He mimics her tone which made me laugh out loud. His attempt to cheer me up never fails. “Good night young man sleep tight!”.

A/n: Vote if you feel like reading the next.

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