Chapter 3 •°• The washer

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Another day arrived at the Institute. Mandy had shown the uglies their supply suite and got to know them better. Kitty tried to keep it a secret that they were all good friends and promised to keep Mandy's glasses a secret too. But she had a few secrets of her own.

Today the gang were going to begin their training and they were pretty excited. Moxy was the most excited. As Lou began to explain something about messes and such, she was daydreaming about how the Big World would be like and how having a child might feel like.

Her thoughts were cut short when someone squirted glue on her face. She also got a hold of some glue and the Uglydolls had fun, playing with the glue, making the class laugh. And as for Lou, he wasn't amused one bit.

"Oh sorry, but don't kids have fun getting messy?" Moxy asked, Lou just looked at her blankly. "Wait, was this part of the test?"

"Yes it was," Lou paused for a bit. "And you passed!" He did a little jazz hands.

"You got to be kidding me? You're not kidding are you? Are you for real?" Moxy dropped the glue on the floor.

"Do I look like I'm joking? Enjoy the Big World!" He motioned to some curtains that opened up.

"Thank you so much!" Moxy bounced with joy.

"I never thought we'd ever make it!" Wage commented.

"I am wise!" Luckybat said.

The Uglydolls ran to the 'portal' before they could even realize where they were, the lid closed shut behind them. They were now soaking in the washer, tumbling violently as the washer spun them around.

"Students, this is what happens to dolls who get messy. They get put, through the wash!" Lou explained. "Every time you go through the washer, you come out little less perfect." He looked back at the tumbling Uglydolls. "If you keep on getting less and less perfect one day even the washer won't save you! You will be thrown away!"

The machine stopped and they were sliding slowly off the glass. Lou looked at them smirking with his hands behind his back.

"I just don't want to see any of you get rejected," he grinned. "So if you want to pass these tests, avoid the mess, stay out of the wash!" He walked away.

"You guys he's right! If we really want to have our own kids to love we have to focus! We'll have to do things Lou's way!" Moxy said confidently.

Then physical training began, and since most dolls were still getting the hang of things, they got messy in the end and were put in the washer. But the Uglydolls were the ones who were put in the washer often, since Lou was sabotaging almost everydoll in the Institute.

Moxy and her friends were puffy from being put through the washer many times and were tuckered out to even move from the floor.

"My oh my~ I'm impressed." Lou said.

"Thanks." Moxy woke up from the floor and shook herself, returning her fur to its original state.

"And yet, you're still unshakable and agile after what you went through today." Lou had an evil smirk on his face.

"Yeah... I know it was you who sabotaged us." Moxy smiled.

"Me? Why would I do that?" Lou looked offended.

"It's clear you want us gone Louis and I saw you messing with the levers and buttons." Moxy crossed her arms, still smiling.

"It's Lou! And why are you so happy?" Lou scoffed.

"Because deep down, I know I'll find the perfect kid for me and you and your corrupt system of perfection will go to waste." Moxy's voice was intimidating but she still had that innocent smile on her face.

"We'll see, soon enough." Lou said in an annoyed tone. He looked at Moxy for a short time and walked away.

The uglies went back to their supply suite tired from all of the activities. They all collapsed on the floor. Mandy came in holding her glasses and gasped.

"You all look so tired!" She wore her glasses and looked at the worn out Uglydolls.

"We are just resting!" Wage groaned, she was lying face first on the floor.

"Do you want a spa day? I can do that for you if you want." Mandy offered, smiling.

"Spa day?" Babo questioned.

"Yeah that'll help you relax, we could massage your feet, you could try a mask to open up your pores." Mandy explained, she was a professional in these things.

"Pores? What's a pore?" Luckybat asked, waking up from the floor.

Mandy just ignored his question, mostly because she didn't want to explain what a pore is and started with the spa treatments.

"Hey... maybe you could try to... make us pretty?" Moxy said in a low tone, but loud enough for Mandy to hear.

"Sure! If that's what you want then let's get to work!" Mandy cheered and began to sing. "First we'll pluck a little here~!"

Uglydolls •°•A change of heart•°• ♡ Lou x MoxyWhere stories live. Discover now