Yunho Imagine

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You kept running and running without looking back. You didn't want to be caught by them again and had no idea where your house was or where you were. They had grabbed your bag and you didn't have anything with you. It was night and you didn't know where you were going. After finding yourself on a road with some people around, you felt relieved. They weren't following you anymore. Now you had to find the police station, but didn't have the strength to walk anymore. After spotting a bench under a streetlight, You sat down to relax. They were trying to take you somewhere. You had no idea who they were or what they do. The only thing you remembered was going grocery shopping and then passing out. When you were conscious again, you saw that they were taking you and some other girls somewhere. Finding a chance, you escaped from them. Tears started rolling down your cheeks when you recalled these events. Suddenly a car pulled over in front of you. You were startled and were about to start running when you saw a woman getting out of the car. 'Hey girl, why are you crying?". She was worried. It was late at night and a girl was alone and was crying. It means something was wrong.
She looked beautiful and elegant. Asking sweetly, she approached you. You wanted to share everything with her and you did.
"Do you remember your parents' contact number?" Perhaps she wanted to help you. "Yes'. You answered between sobs.
"Then let us contact and tell them that you are safe, and you can spend the night at my home". She suggested.
"I'd like to talk to them first ". You felt that she was a nice woman. She handed you her phone, you talked to your parents and told them that you'd spend the night with her and they could pick you up the next day. They were relieved. First, both of you went to the police station as it was a serious matter and then that woman took you to her home. It wasn't a big house but enough for a family. You just placed your foot inside when you heard the voice of some male "Are you home? " He asked.
"Yes, yunho". The woman answered. It was natural to assume that he was her boyfriend. When you enter the living room , you saw a tall, handsome and cute boy? sitting on a couch. He looked younger than the woman, almost 23, 24.
His eyes meet with yours and you could see the confusion in his eyes.
"Noona, who's she? He asked the woman. Oh, he's her brother. No wonder they both were both tall, and had beautiful looks with an exceptional aura.
"Yunho, can we have something to eat before discussing everything?." She looked really hungry and so did you.
"Yeah, noona". He said and went to the kitchen. "Y/n you can use the bathroom in my room while I help Yunho". She pointed to a room. You thanked her and went into the room. When you came out, they had already set the table.
"Y/n, come, dinner is ready. You two can start. I must clean up myself first." She said and headed towards her room.
You sat on the chair and Yunho took a seat in front of you.
"So your name is y/n?" Yunho asked.
"Yes." You were hesitating.
"Why aren't you eating anything? I've made everything with my own hands. You can trust me". He asked jovially.
"Thank you". You replied.
"I've heard from noona what happened to you. I'm so sorry to hear that." He felt sad.
"It's okay. It's a relief they couldn't take me anywhere". You let out a sigh and took a bite from one of the dishes and it tasted so good. Perhaps you were hungry, so you felt it was delicious.
"What do you do?". You asked to ease the awkwardness between you two.
" I'm a student. And you?" He also wanted to know more about you.
"So am I. What do you study?" You asked taking a spoonful of boiled rice.
"Psychology. I really like to study human emotions and their response to their feelings. What do they think? What do they do? Why do they do it? Everything." He described holding a spoon between his delicate and long fingers, waving it with every word. Drown deep in his thoughts. He looked really attractive.
"Ah, that's great. I'm majoring in fashion design. I really didn't have any dreams so I did what I felt was okay". He didn't ask, but you really wanted to share about yourself.
"Seems like you two have become friends." You didn't realize when his sister came out of the room.
"Yeah, maybe". Yunho answered sheepishly
"How do you like the food?" She asked you. "It's good." You really didn't know what to say because it was delicious, but you were just not used to praising others.
"Just good? I thought everyone likes Yunho's cooking. Whoever eats anything made by him, they can't help but praise him the whole time they are eating". His sister added to your information.
"Well, it's not that good. I'm not a master chef you know. Stop exaggerating." He giggled.
"No, it's definitely delicious. I'm sure I've eaten tasty foods like these only in restaurants". You realized you should praise him. And that was the only thing that came to your mind.
"Hmmm'. You got as a response from both. "I mean.... Uh... " you tried to find suitable words. "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not good at expressing my feelings. So I hope you understand what I mean". You tried to explain. "It's ok. We get it. You really didn't have to say anything. I'm a psychology student and I can judge by your actions that you were enjoying the meal". Yunho responded and chuckled. You felt shy.
"No psychology in front of me." His sister looked irritated. "I just don't know why I let you choose that subject. A person can't even hide his emotions from you anymore".
He let out a laugh, " It's fun to tease you." You three finished eating by 1am. They always go to bed around this time.
"Let me help you with cleaning". You tried to help them.
"No, no. You don't have to be formal. I can do it myself. " Yunho rejected your help.
"It's nothing. I usually do the cleaning at home. So it's totally okay." You said picking up dirty dishes from the table.
"But you need to rest". His sister said.
"I can't sleep at other's house. I'll try to take a rest after cleaning". You said while placing dirty dishes in sink.
"I'm so tired. My room's door will be opened. You can sleep there with me tonight. " She said getting up from her chair and headed to her room. As she went inside Yunho dashed to where you were doing dishes making you flinch.
"Oh I'm sorry. But did you just say that you can't sleep? " he asked you excitedly.
"Yes". You were confused at sudden change of reaction.
"Wanna do something fun." He asked and his eyes lit up.
"Like what?". You felt anxious. He studied your expressions for sometimes and almost burst into laughter. " I mean why don't we see a movie together. I am a night owl. And today I've a partner. It'll be fun." He explained waiting for your response.
"Yeah, it's great." you agreed. "Just let me wash these first."
"Coffee? ?" He asked.
Sure". You did the dishes while he made coffee for both of you. Now you were in front of TV.

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