Chapter 9

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A few days later....

Cuphead: Hey, Mikey.....

Mikey: Yeah?

Cuphead: So, about what happened yesterday.....

Cuphead's hands are still covered in bandages.

Mikey: Oh, no worries! We all have our bad days.

Cuphead: I shouldn't of punched a brick wall....I can't use my hands for awhile.....

Mikey thinks.

Mikey: Hey....can I tell you something?

Cuphead: Sure.

Mikey: Remember that I told you that I have mystic hands?

Cuphead: Yeah, you were gonna show me, right?

Mikey: Yeah, about that....

Cuphead: Is there something wrong? I understand if you don't want to show me.

Mikey: Oh....thank goodness....because I almost died making a portal.

Cuphead's eyes went wide.

Cuphead: You almost died?!

Mikey: Yeah.....that's why I don't use my mystic hands.....

Cuphead: Oh. Well, that's okay.

Mikey: I need to get better and I need to learn how to control them.....turns out....making portals will most likely kill me....I almost disappeared.....

Cuphead: I completely understand. After what happened a few days ago, I don't want to start another mishap...

Mikey: Yeah.....


Mikey: What's wrong?

Cuphead: Oh, nothing.....just....thinking....

Mikey: About?

Cuphead: My brother.....I didn't notice how upset I made him when I annoy him sometimes back home.

Mikey: Hey, that's what brothers do....they tease each other....

Cuphead: It's not exactly harmless's more like....

Mikey: Manipulation?

Cuphead: No. Even I don't go that far.

Mikey: It's harmless teasing, isn't it?

Cuphead: Mostly. I have my limits on what I do. I like danger but sometimes I don't want to go too far....

Mikey: At least you have your limits on what you do....

Cuphead: Yeah....even though I don't think about the consequences of my actions, even I have my limits on danger and other stuff.

Mikey: That's a good thing.

Cuphead: Anyway, I'm gonna go chill with my brother. It was nice talking to you today.

Cuphead walks in the kitchen to talk to his brother. Mikey walks in the living room and sat down on the couch.

Mikey: (sigh) I need to learn to control my mystic hands more....or else I'll be killed.....


With the cup bros.....

Mugman: So, Mikey has mystic hands?

Cuphead: Yep!

Mugman: You're kidding.

Cuphead: Nope! He told me himself!

Mugman: Did he show you, or?

Cuphead: That's what I need to talk to you about. So, here's the thing....

The Cuphead Show x ROTTMNT CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now