Chapter 17: Where the Wind Blows

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Aunt Ankoro spoke up. "Maybe we can help you out there squirt. Take us back to your folks and maybe we can figure something out, see if we can find your sister for you guys."

"Are you so certain that is wise, my friend?" Lord Coup De Grace asked, narrowing his eyes, "we do not know this one very well at all. For all we know, she could be leading us into a trap with her naive and childish facade."

"Hey! I'm not childish! I'm not even human," little Pinison cried, "I'm pretty sure I'm also not naive. I know everything about this forest."

"So why have you not been able to find your sister then, young dryad?"

That shut her down quickly, as she looked down in shame. Lord Blue Planet smacked the androsphinx's shoulder.

"Hey man, that wasn't cool," the druid said, furrowing his brows, "we don't take jabs like that at people, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm a hundred percent sure that she's telling the truth."

"And how can you be certain of this, old friend?"

In lieu of a verbal reply, the seilenoi opened his mouth to reveal a soft pink glow. He closed it quickly, and then explained.

"Before I came into the forest, I cast some special spells to help me out. [Charmspeak] allows me to talk to people and allow them to speak honestly with me. If I really needed to, I could even convince them to do things for me."

Lupusregina bobbed her head in praise, watching as Pinison covered her mouth with a gasp.

"You mean you can control me! How do I know that you won't try and do anything to hurt me?"

Before Lupusregina could tear into the diminutive tree spirit for her blatant disregard for her master's extremely generous offer, her aunt stepped in to diffuse the situation.

"Because if we wanted to hurt you, we would've done so already," the elder werewolf said deathly seriously, "and if we wanted to hurt your family then we wouldn't have said anything about [Charmspeak] either. All it does is ensure you're being honest with us, so now we're being honest with you."

Pinison took a moment to consider that logic, staring into the dirt. The younger werewolf grit her fangs and clenched and unclenched her fists. She dug her claws into her palms hard enough to almost draw blood.

Lupusregina closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, remembering the lessons that her father had imparted to her. He knew her inside and out, as expected of her creator, which meant that he understood immediately her "darker" side.

Always remember that there's more than the bloodshed, and more than the glory. Everything has a right to live, even if it hasn't earned that right yet.

Her sadism, her desire to split open the dryad from brow to groin and relish in her cries of agony, abated as she recalled those precious words from her father. She closed her lips over her fangs, and sheathed her talons.

By then the tree spirit looked back up to face the denizens of Nazarick, her timber features set into that of determination.

"Okay, I believe you, and not because of your [Charmspeak]. Grand Oak Naaru would want to meet you all anyways, so follow me. Just be patient during the trip, okay?"

Those words mystified Lupusregina, a sentiment that her masters seemingly shared with her. She immediately brushed aside the notion, for there was absolutely no way that such a statement could possibly be true.

They're probably just pretending to make me feel better. If there's anybody who's omniscient, then it would be the Supreme Beings. No way they wouldn't know what she's referring to.

A Theory on Godhood: An Overlord StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα