8 | Making Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Free drinks for two weeks." I eye him.

"I already give you free drinks." He laughs going to mess with the machine while I make myself a hot chocolate. "Excuse me, you don't work here." He looks back at me for a second.

"Well, you're busy and the only other person working is busy as well." I give him a smile.

"Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" I hear Tyler so I turn around to see Wednesday.

"It's more of a hobby." She tells him.

"New to Nevermore, I see." He eyes her.

"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency. It's four shots is espresso." She tells him.

"Somebody snuck out the bathroom window." I walk over to stand by Tyler.

"Of course." She looks over at me so Tyler looks between us.

"Yeah, I...I know what a quad is, but spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have I drip." He tells her.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." She says so we watch the man put it down and walk away. "What's wrong with your machine?" She asks Tyler.

"It's a temperamental beats with a mind I'd it's own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian...And you won't help me." Tyler tells her then turns to face me annoyed.

"You never agreed to my request so that's your fault." I tell him as Wednesday comes around to fix it.

"I need a Tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter Allen wrench." She reads the manual shocking him. "Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you are going to make my coffee and call a taxi." She tells him.

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?" He suggests to her.

"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a salve to technology." She tells him as he works in the machine.

"Then you're out of luck. Where are you going anyways?" He watches her.

"That's on a need to know basis. What about trains?" She asks. "Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." He tells her.

"You have a valve issue. I've seen it before." She tells him as I get myself a snack.

"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?"

"Steam powered guillotine. Built it when she was ten. We wanted to decapitate our dolls more efficiently." I speak up covering my mouth as I ate.

"Wait, this is your sister. I should've known that... it's quite obvious now that I look at you both." Tyler turns to look at me.

"She's the older twin." Wednesday says as she fixes it.

"Wow. Thanks. I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need to know basis too?" Tyler asks her so she eyes him.


"I tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, and help a friends family out, how about I drive you to Burlington?" He suggests to her.

"Perfect. Put that quad in a to go cup." She tells him so he says he can't until another hour. She ends up trying to bribe him with $40 dollars but he says he can't be bought so she just had to wait. She huffs walking to a booth while he makes her drink and I go around to wait to give it to her.

"You two are similar yet very different." He chuckles.

"Yep, especially with me being here. She knew I've changed. She hates it. Called me weak for falling into the trap. I promised to keep an eye on her but I know my sister so I'm not going to stop her from leaving." I lean on the counter.

I take her drink and my stuff over to the booth she was sitting in. "You really have changed. You have friends and not just one." She eyes me as I sit down.

"Yeah, six to be exact then four acquaintances." I eye her as well.

"What are you going to tell Principal Weems for when I leave?" She changes the topic.

"Well of she doesn't see me with you; say I don't know anything. If she sees me; I tried to stopped you but failed. If you don't get away today and get caught; say you told me the session ended early to day." I tell her so she nods her head.

After some time Tyler's ex friends show up talking about how we're in their booth. "Why as you three dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asks them.

"We're pilgrims." The taller one says.

"Potato, po-tah-to but they work at Pilgrim World." I show her the flyer.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She tells them.

"My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who you calling stupid?" Lucas gets pissed.

"If the buckled shoe fits." She tells him.

"Guys, back off." Tyler comes over to us.

"Stay out of this, Galpin." Lucas tells him.

"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday stand up to stand in front of Lucas.

"So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" He asks her.

"I've never found one that could handle me. Boo!" She scares him making the other two jump in. While Wednesday handles the bigger one I jump in to handle the taller one.

We look at the three laying on the floor in pain, "You still got it." She smiles at me.

"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asks us.

"Our uncle taught us. He spent five years in Tibetan Monastery." I look at Tyler, who stood next to me.

"Was he a monk?" He asks confused.

"Prisoner." Wednesday adds.

"Dad." Tyler sees him come in so we all turn to look at him.

"Tyler, what the hell's going on in here?" He asks him.

"They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place." Tyler explains so his dad eyes Wednesday and I,

"These little things took down tree boys? Did you help them?" He asks making us eye him.

"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler tells him.

"We told him to stay out of it." I add with a smile.

"Apologizes, sheriff. This one slipped away from me but I see her sister found her. Come on, Miss Addams, both of you, time to go." Weems comes in so we go over to her.

"Wait a minute, hang on." The sheriff stops us, "You're both a Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He asks so we nod our head, "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing the apples don't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you both." He points his finger at us and stares me down.

"Okay." Weems grabs Wednesday as she smiles and I follow out waving bye to Tyler.

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