Thirty-One: Violet Ribbons

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The still air of that clear, Earrons morning embraced Oslac's nervous face

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The still air of that clear, Earrons morning embraced Oslac's nervous face. The calm chirrup of birds mocked him as the day's plans swirled around in his head, getting louder and louder as his anxiety grew. He looked over his shoulder hoping to see Beanni there, but she still hadn't arrived. The wait made his heart thump. He tapped his fingers against the side of the fountain, where he leant. A long shaky sigh left him as he tried his hardest to hold back the impatient groan that yearned to leave his chest.

"Hey, Oz!"

Oslac jumped out of his skin, he turned and saw Beanni, dressed in her usual oversized green jumper, and with a beaming smile.

"By the stars, Bay! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry!" Beanni giggled, but suddenly wiped the amusement off her face. "Are you okay?"

"What took you so long?"

"Dad insisted on watching me go into the Academy! So I had to go in, hide by a window and wait for him to leave the grounds before sneaking out again - all whilst trying to stay unnoticed by others in my class. It was quite a task I can tell you. But I think I managed!" Beanni explained, her wide grin clearly showing how pleased she was with herself.

"Right..." was all Oslac managed to say in response. The worry he felt about that day seemed to want to shut him down, but he fought against it, for Beanni's sake. The look she gave him caused him to leap into the next step of their plan. He drew out his light orb, made it grow in his hand, then drew the Royal Samhun Tealia symbol on his best friend's chest. Once the magic sunk in, he drew the same symbol on himself. "Alright, we're protected, nobody can or will see us until we reach out to Genelle in the cells."

"Great! So, we better get going if we want to get to the palace!" Beanni said, grabbing Oslac's shaking hand. "Oz?"

"Today's plan would be so much easier if I had violet magic, then we could just appear in the cells, right in front of Genelle, in a second."

"But, you do have violet magic," Beanni smiled.

"No I don't, Father took it from me, remember?"

"Oz..." Beanni rolled her eyes, then a strange look came over her as she stared deep into his soul. He watched her irises light up with an unmistakable violet hue.

"What?" he said, astounded. "How did you do that?"

"I practised," Beanni said with a cheeky shrug. "So, could we use my violet magic to transport us?"

Oslac smiled, then shook his head with utter disbelief. "You are something else, Bay."

"Oz, we need to get going!"

"Right! Stand still and keep your eyes open," he instructed her and she did exactly as she was told. He then pinched the side of her face, right beside her left eye, then pulled some of the violet light magic from her mind; the exact same way he learned to put it into his own mind but in reverse. In his tight grip, between his thumb and index finger coiled a long, shining, violet ribbon. It danced in the air before Beanni's glowing eyes as he moved it to the surface of his light orb, which sat waiting in his left hand. As soon as it made a connection with the orb it sank in and joined the swirling, glittering white magic inside.

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