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Third person Pov

"Maybe if you'd stop that you can actually go to college Y/n"

Y/n's friend Abby snatch the alcohol in her hands and she glared at her

"Don't get me that look Y/n, you need to focus on getting into college" She threw the alcohol away

Y/n sighed and lays down on Abby's bed

"This is stupid Abby" She put her hand on her face in frustration

"How?" She sit beside her

"I mean I already know what everything is!" She gets up

"You want to be a scientist right?"

Y/n nodded

"Then get into your dream school and study there!" She hit her slightly on the shoulder

Y/n chuckled "Well, I'am pretty smart"

Abby laughs "Yes you are so you can get into any college you want!"

"Why don't you apply for NASA? Students who are special works for them"

"How do you know that?"

"I've done my research"

"Abby no I don't wanna study spaceship and anything else, I'm super focus on experiment"

"Nooo, please you gotta at least try it out maybe you'll get it"

Y/n sighed "Okay yeah maybe whatever"

She stands up and went to the kitchen to grab some food

"But I think I have not a high chance to get in" She took out a peanut butter and jelly and some bread

"Your so smart how can you not?"

"NASA works for the governor"

"And has great income, you can be a millionaire for crying out loud!"

Y/n chuckled "Alright I'll try but I won't get in we'll do plan B" She put the peanut butter and jelly bread together

Abby groan "I hope not, because I really hope you'd get in"

Y/n smile " I promise to do my best to get in"

Abby and Y/n hugged "So come on we got a party to attend" They both chuckled as Y/n bite her sandwich

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