"Yes mother," The three said in unison, giggles leaving them as they began dragging us away.

'Great... How are we going to get out of this one?'

Four Months Later

"How long?"

"Four months."

'Four months and nothing from the gods?! Father should know I'm still alive.'

"My liege... Maybe we should do as Miranda says?"

"...You're giving up?"

"I'm making sure we survive," Hunter corrected with a small frown. "That woman — lady Dimitrescu — she'll kill us if we keep this up. Think about it, why else haven't we seen her daughters again? She's waiting to kill us and wants to do it herself if we don't cooperate."

I hung my head but nodded anyway. It was the best option — even my healing was struggling to keep up with lady Dimitrescu's torment. I wasn't sure how long it had been since the last session, but when the door opened and the dark purple soul of the lady grew closer.

She stopped outside of our cell before a smile slowly tugged onto her face. 'She knows...' I let a sigh slip past my lips as the lady entered our cell, her claws extending and making me cringe slightly. Lady Dimitrescu moved a claw to my throat, slowly trailing it up until I locked eyes with her.

"Say it," She demanded with a wicked grin. "I know you want to. Mortals always have a breaking point."

I clenched my jaw and swallowed what little pride I had left, feeling each word burn my tongue. "We give — we'll work for you... We can't survive like this any longer."

"I want more than that."


Her claw dug deeper — just enough to break the skin — and earned a small hiss from me. "I can't hear you down there."

"I... I, General Isa Black, surrender and accept that I now have to work for you. You don't have to spare me, my lady, but I would appreciate it if you could give me another chance."

The lady knelt as her claws retracted, making it easier for her to grab my face. "Now, was that so hard?"

'I'm gonna burn this castle down—.'

Hours passed before we were moved to our new rooms — next to each other, thankfully. I groaned as I lay on the bed, letting my eyes shut and muscles relax for the first time in a long time. My peace didn't last long as the door to my room opened and the brunette from before walked in with a cart, making me sit up slowly as she shut the door and moved over to the bed.

"Wait-!" I yelped when she reached for my shirt, making her pause and lock eyes with me. "I- Uh..."

She stayed silent for a moment longer before a small smile spread across her face. "I'll keep my eyes shut, but you have to guide me—."

"I-I can clean them I just-."

"Then I'll be in your bathroom while you do that," She whispered and stood up, not bothering to question anything to my surprise. "My name's Cassandra, by the way."

"I... I'll let you know when to come back in, lady Cassandra," I promised as she entered my bathroom and shut the door. 'She didn't question me? Best not to think too hard on it.'

After I managed to clean most of my wounds, I called for lady Cassandra to return, sending her a sheepish smile when she grabbed the first aid kit. My hand twitched before a strong gust of wind shook the window, causing lady Cassandra to pause momentarily.

"My lady?"

"Right," She breathed and focused on me again. "I should be able to get the ones on your stomach and back easily."

I nodded and lifted my shirt enough for her to see the wounds on my stomach and sides. "Your mother sure is relentless."

"Mhm, she's who we learned it from."

"...Thank you, by the way."

"It's the very least someone can do. Besides, you're our maid now, we have to make sure you're comfortable while you heal."

We fell silent after that and I let my eyes shut, taking slow, deep breaths to make it easier for us both. My eyes fluttered open when she stopped and stood from the bed, making me raise an eyebrow as I watched her pace. I noticed the way she had her hand pressed against her mouth — biting the back of it to suppress something.

'Right, all of my blood—,' I frowned and tried to shake the idea from my head, but her heavy breathing made me ignore my survival instincts. 'As long as she doesn't take a lot, I should be fine, right?' I stood and made my way over to lady Cassandra, giggling to myself when she stopped and tensed in front of me.

"Take a bite," I muttered once I was close enough that she'd have a hard time rejecting the offer. "Just don't take a lot."

"I can help without tasting your blood," Lady Cassandra hissed — anger quickly filling her gold eyes. "I'm not some bloodthirsty monster."

"...No offense, but that's literally what you are."

Lady Cassandra paused as she processed everything that had been said, the confusion disappearing from her face for a moment. Before I could say anything — apologize and take back what I said — lady Cassandra let a smile begin to spread across her face. Not too long after that, a giggle left her, quickly followed by a round of gorgeous laughter — the tension in the air fading more with each second that passed of her laughter.

'And I thought hearing the god of music perform for Olympus was going to be the most beautiful sound I heard,' I thought in awe as I joined her in laughing. 'Who knew someone's laugh could sound so gorgeous.'

"A rat can't run from the dragon's claws." is what Maggie signed on my print for lady d so i had to have her say it to isa and hunter 😌

also we'll get another hunter x isa smut chapter in the future 🧑🏽‍🦯 that last one was supposed to be so much better but i'm out of practice

Flaming Love [Lesbian!OC x Dimitrescu Triplets]Where stories live. Discover now