Chapter 1

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September 11, 2031.

"Ah shit. What the hell is this," you shouted in disbelieve. You threw a file towards a Manjuu who stood there, clearly frightened by your sudden outburst.

"How did all our 5 unoperated gates suddenly turn on? Where did it connect to? This is gonna be one hell of a security breach augh," you lamented. The manjuu stood there, jumping about and merely chirped back (you somewhat generally understand what they are saying even tho all they do is chirp). You stood up from your desk.

"Direct all patrol units to scout around the area. I don't want ANYTHING crossing that gate. Especially my former subordinates. If you need me, I'll be at the harbour continuing my project," you grabbed your commander's uniform from your hangar and walked out of the room. You walked down the hallway, occasionally greeting the manjuus or any other person you didn't despise. You took the elevator down to Ground Floor, and head out of the main building to a parking lot. Military trucks and jeeps littered the lot, with some tanks(they belong to you) gathered at one corner. What stood out was the silver Mercedes Benz 190E. It looks normal at first, but you knew it too well. Just with the addition of an Antimatter engine and this car essentially travels faster than a fighter jet. You got in and drove towards the harbour.

Diamond Harbour

You could smell the salty sea air enter your car. The sun glared as you exited your car, though it did not blind you too much. You could see the little Manjuu birds walking about, some with hard hats, others simply carrying cargo. You walk past a large aircraft carrier under construction. The large bold words 'Azur Lane' was pasted at the top side of the hull. 

"Even if this carrier to be completed, I will probably never use it. Welp, it shall rest here until a miracle happens," You sighed as you walk. Some memories come back, but you immediately dismiss them. You slowly approached a large yard, where a large ship laid. Cranes poked out every now and then, lifting what seemed to be a large glowing armament. You approached a large cabin built close by, the base of operations. As you entered, the Manjuus within greeted you. The middle lied a large table, filled with blueprints of different things. 

"So, how's the construction coming along? Is the H-class battleship almost ready?" you asked one of the Manjuu nearest to the table as you walked towards the table. The manjuu chirped back in response.

"I see. Way ahead of schedule. The replacement guns for the original mock up will take time to install. 4 new turrets armed with a single high powered railgun should increase its destructive capability. Replacing the 16 10.5cm guns with modernised ones. The new radar system should be able to track any friend or foes with ease, down to their exact position," you droned on and on about how your new battleship was state of the art and modern. The manjuu just stayed there, upset that he has to endure your lecture. Before long, you decided that it was enough and headed to the battleship.

"Now for your name. You are based on the H-class battleship. Just like Freidrich Der Grosse... Let's not talk about her shall we me?" a sad visage enveloped your face. You remembered something from a past you yearned but will never get. You shook your head and took out a blue glowing cube from your coat.

"Well then. It's all or nothing," you said. Soon, a manjuu walked up to you, holding a breifcase. The breifcase glowed blue as bright azur light shined out from the spaces of the breifcase. You walked up the bridge connecting the yard to the ship. Once there, you emptied out the contents of the breifcase into a large hole on the deck of the ship. You then threw in the last cube that you held.

"Arise," the entire battleship glowed in blue, before suddenly enveloping itself. You fell as the ship begin to shrink, before landing on a wooden platform suspended by a nearby crane. Most of nearby manjuu watched in awe as the ship glowed. You slowly watch the suspended railguns suddenly glow blue and too moved towards the incomplete ship. By now, the light was blinding so you covered your eyes to prevent yourself from turning blind. What was happening?

Unknown Locations

"Ah. It seems we have stumbled upon some lush forest. This will be perfect."

"Where the hell am I?"

"Did I die?"

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